Love's A Loaded Gun: Chapter 5

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{ Author's note :
Chapter five is up! Let me say thank you soooo much for reading! I'm very sorry on the hiatus. Long story short a huge crapfest happened plus this chapter was at first a disaster so it's was rewritten several times! But all is well and I am currently working on the next few chapters.
IMPORTANT The name of Lilith's brother will no longer be Ryan and is now Taylor. (like i said a lot of crap happened) I know it's bad writing to change a character's name during a story but, if you have a problem with it oh well.
Bring up the next chapter soon I'm trying to make it a monthly thing.
Thank you agian sooooo much and enjoy the chapter!
With ❤ MD_Jester}

Love's A Loaded Gun: Chapter Five

She hasn't come out yet? It's been all day." Angel stated. The boys were siting in the living room, the TV was on but no one was watching.

"Give her some time man, we just cant expect her to get used to us over night. " Jerry replied. " I mean it took Jack months to get used to us."

Angel nod his head in agreement. No one spoke for minutes and the sound of the game became nothing but white noise.

"Bobby would you mind helping me? " Ms. Evie's voice came from out of the kitchen. "Sure ma!" Bobby got off the couch and headed to help her.

"Yeah ma?" As he walked in he to see Evline washing dishes and went by her side. She stopped what she was doing and looked at her son.

"Bobby why don't you go and take Lilith her dinner. Be nice Bobby" She smiled at him giving him a tray of warm food and a glass of water, but gave him a warning voice on the last part. Bobby frowned his eyebrows. "But why me? Send Jerry or even Jack."

"Well I thought it would be nice for you to apologize for the rough housing earlier and make her aware there is nothing to worry about. It would mean a lot more if it came from you." Miss Evelyn said giving Bobby a face that no one could say no to.

Bobby realized what his mother was was right and simply nodded. He grabbed the tray of warm food and went back out to the living room towards the stairs.

He went down the hallway then came to Lilith's door. He carefully balanced the tray on one hand and knocked. There was no reply so he knocked again.

"Lilith? It's Bobby, look ma made you some food." Bobby stopped and took a deep breath. He was in new territory; how does one talk to a little sister?
"Im also sorry about earlier today. The guys were only playing around."

Still no answer which he thought was a bit weird. Bobby reached for the doorknob and turned it. Bobby walked inside and placed the food on the desk.

"Oh great." Bobby said as he stared at the now empty room. Bobby kept scanning the the room and his eyes laid on the open window. Only one word came to his mind.


Bobby quickly made his way down stairs calling out for Miss Evelyn.

"Ma! I need the keys hurry!"

"What's wrong dear?" Miss Evelyn said with more confusing in her voice.

"Lilith ran. Her room is empty, nothing left, and the window is opened."

"Oh dear" Miss Evelyn replied now worried, she took her keys out of her apron pocket and handing them to her eldest.

"Boys put on your jackets and help your brother. She will catch her death in this cold at night."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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