Love's a Loaded Gun : Chapter 4

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"Lilly, please stay here and call the cops. You remember the information to give them right?"

Our father's voice yelled threw the run down place we called a home. Shots where heard letting us know the that monster had found the gun.

I nodded "please don't leave Taylor. Can't we just lock the door like before?"

The noise of glass breaking and gunshots echo threw the hall, our father's drunken yells of slander growing louder and louder. If Taylor goes out there he will get hurt...he may not come back.

"Not this time 'little sister'. you're safe here, I have to protect you."

It got darker as Taylor seemed to be drifting away from me.

"Taylor! Don't leave! Please don't go!"

He started talking but no sound came out. He kept drifting off until he couldn't be seen.

"Taylor! Don't leave!"

I woke up gasping for air. cold sweat running down my forehead.

'It was a Nightmare it was just a nightmare.' I looked over at the clock to see it was only 2 am

'great I won't be able to go back to sleep,'

I looked at my window. It looked like a clear night, I went to my bag to grab a pack of cigarettes that I had. I opened my window and sat on the ledge. It was really cold, just what I needed to help me snap out of my horrific daze.

As I made my way out the window and sitting on the ledge. I lit up my cigarette and slowly inhaling the toxic smoke, bringing my heart rate back to normal. My mind started to wonder.

'Will my life ever be normal? What is normal nowadays? How long will this 'family' last? I'm sure they'll be like the others.'

My thoughts were interrupted with the window next to mine in a slow manner opened. I took a sharp breath as this sound frightened me. Slowly hiding my cigarette I watched carefully at the window. Then saw a batch of dirty blond hair followed by a lighter and smoke.

"  Lillith? What are you doing?"

It was Jack as he joined me with a late night smoke... Well sort of.

"Jesus, you gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry about that" He said with a small voice.

"It's alright, I ummm.... couldn't sleep. You? "


He looked at me and I finally saw his face. He had the tendency to looked down when he talks. But this time I can see his sharp features. He looks so strong but his eyes show pain.

'What's his story?'

"Just needed a cigarette." He replied

"Oh" we sat in silence for a bit. But I noticed he kept stealing glances, I was about to call him on it but he spoke before I did.

"Do you like Alice Cooper?" He then took another drag of his cigarette.

I looked down forgetting which shirt I had on. "Yeah, he's great." Jack just nodded "hey can I ask you a question?"

The younger brother seemed to tense up but simply nodded.

"Are either one of you blood related to miss Mercer?"

Jack just stared at his down not blinking almost like a scared deer in the headlights. 

A small voice'd "no" was all he was able to get out.

"Oh" was all that I said. I finished up my cigarette and tossed towards the ground.

"Night jack"

"Night" was all I heard after going back into the room And closing the window back up. Slipping in bed and slowly started to sleep. 

I woke up later to the sound of what seem to be an argument. Not a second later I heard Jack's door open and ruining down stairs. I got up got changed and went downstairs.

At the bottom I saw Jeremiah and Angel were arguing about a hockey game that was on t.v. Bobby was sitting on the couch, and Jack was a few steps in front of me watching his brothers.

"Don't play with me Jerry. I proved to you already that I can take you." Angel said in a warning tone. Which Jerry replied to.

"You got lucky that time Angel face."

"Call me Angel face one more time"

Jerry had a snarky smile as he said it again

All of a sudden Angel lunge at Jerry abd the two brothers started to get physical and trying to knock each other down.

As Angel and Jerry went at it I can hear Bobby cheer them on. My heart was beating suddenly fast and my skin turn cold. The two boys started rolling on the floor and Bobby was yelling at them in encouragement. They where running into the table and knocking things down. The loud noises ringing in my ears. All of a sudden Ms. Mercer came out yelling at the boys

"Jerry! Angel! Stop this instance. Dont you see you're scaring Lilith!"

The sound of my name being said brought me out of state. Tears were running down my cheeks and I was shaking slightly. Everyone was looking at me but Ms Mercer broke the silence again.


I couldn't take it and bolted upstairs into the room. I sat at the farthest corner of the room in a fetal position. My breathing was quick and shallow and tears were still falling. I started humming my brother's song to myself to calm me down, but flash backs started flowing back to me of my bastard of a father and the other families I was with. The yelling, violence, loud horrible noises. They won't just go away...

A sudden knock at the door and Ms. Mercer came threw with caution. The look of fear was clear on her face as she came towards me.

"Lillith? Sweetie? Are you ok? Don't be frighten, the boys were just playing with each other. Look at you, you're shaking. "

She came down to my level but didn't touch me.  I looked at her still scared as ever. I opened my mouth and quietly spoke.

"Will they hurt me?"

"Of course not sweetheart. My boys may be a bit rough around the edges but they know better than to hurt you or any lady for that matter."

She clearly saw that this didn't calm me at all.

"Did someone hurt you?"

I simply nodded. She opened her palms and towards me and spoke softly.

"Lillith I don't know what you went threw before but you ARE safe here. Do you hear me?"

I thought for a moment before nodding my head. With this she came and held me. Her embrace was warm and secure. The tears have stop but my nerves where still causing me to shake. But she never moved from me.

'This woman. She makes me feel safe.'

{So sorry for the long wait but chapter four is finally up with more to come. Thank you for reading and all the lovely comments and replies.

With love MD_Jester}

Love's A Loaded Gun: A Jack Mercer storyWhere stories live. Discover now