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[ Emma ]

This headache is killing me. I can't think straight or even open my eyes. Groaning in pain, I push my limits to open my eyes. Everything hurts, even my eyelids, they feel so heavy I can't open them. I don't remember what happened last night, but whatever it has, really heavy drinking must be involved with it. I do briefly remember meeting The Script earlier that day, but the rest is just a big blur in my mind. The sun is shining and its light is straight into my eyes, forcing me to open them. I can't.

Before opening them, I move my arms across my bed, trying to feel something, someone, hoping I didn't touch a person because that would mean we could have had sex. I touch a piece of clothing, maybe it's a t-shirt, that's okay, I must have been so drunk I couldn't make it to my wardrobe, just landed in my bed and felt asleep straight away.

Without further worries, I start opening my heavy eyes slowly. They immediately close as the shining ball of fire in the sky meets them. It hurts. Hangover. I look away, to the right side of the bed hoping to find a t-shirt and almost have a panic attack. Oh no, please no. I'm not in my fucking bed. And there's a guy sleeping right next to me without a shirt. What the fuck have I done.

The peaceful look on his face relaxes me. He's not just a random guy, I know who he is. But how did I end up in his bed? His breathing is so soothing, I could be here all day by his side just watching him sleep. As the rays of sun meet his body, the angelical look on his face fades a little, but he didn't wake up.

I give up on trying to keep my eyes open and fall back to sleep right next to him. This is so wrong, it can't be happening.


"Hey sleepy head." His hoarse voice echoes in my head, almost feeling like music to my ears. I turn to the other side of the bed, without opening my eyes even though I'm already half awake. I can feel the bed moving. His breathing is now against my neck, sending chills down my spine. "C'mon, I know you're already up." His facial hair is tickling my skin in a cute way. I smile like a little child.

"Shh, just five more minutes." I manage to say, ending with a huge yawn.

"We can't stay here forever." He ever so softly places a kiss on my neck. I finally turn around to him and let his eyes meet mine. I'm shivering, he's so majestic. His eyes are glowing and the sun is hitting his face perfectly, making him look like an angel. He just stays there, laid right next to me observing my every move. I can feel myself blush as my eyes meet his again. It's my turn to watch him, he's not wearing any t-shirt, just a pair of boxers... No shit I touched his boxers?! "What are you thinking of?" My face must be quite tense for him to ask me this.

"Did we... Did we do it?" Shame has taken over me, I want to dig a hole and hide in it. I look away, not wanting to face the real world.

"No, we didn't." I'm already hiding myself on his cleavage before I can be aware of it. His smell, oh God. "I would never take advantage of you being drunk. I was also pretty drunk, but all I did was change you to my t-shirt and lay you in bed as you were already asleep when we arrived here." His words are sincere and full of emotions. The grip around me tightens in a protective way. He's looking after me in a way I think no one has ever looked.

"That explains why did I end up in your bed." A smile flashes in his lips and I chuckle nervously. I've messed up everything.

"Pretty much, yes." I plaster a fake smile on my face just not to be rude. I'm an awful person.

"We must have been so drunk, my God." I giggle and he joins me. I bet we got so fucking wasted we made silly figures in the club or pub we went, u don't even remember. Temporary memory loss, they say. I call it heavy hangover.

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