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[ Mark ]

"Fucking hell." I mumble as I remember the amount of alcohol I drank last night. Even tough I have a good tolerance to alcoholic beverages, last night was heavy, so heavy my head is almost bursting with the amount of pain.

I stretch myself and I can feel my arm rubbing slightly on something that was soft, like a piece of clothing just washed or made of cotton. Curious, I stretch my arm again, trying to guess what I was touching. It was a long piece of cloth, soft, just like a bed sheet, but it wasn't tucked in, it was surrounding a person, keeping him/her warm. I poke that someone and I can hear him/her groan in pain.

"Stop it, Mark." The masculine voice growled and I had no doubt it was Glen's voice. "You couldn't stay still last night, please just a few more minutes lad." Oh, I kept him up all night and he had to take care of us three drunk idiots. Poor Glen.

"I'm so sorry Glen, just sleep for now." I say whilst I got up and stumbled out of the room, guilty of all I've done to the sober one.

As I close the door behind me, I can't help it but sit on the floor with my back against the wall. My head is still kind of spinning, I'm better off sat down. I pull my cellphone out of my jeans pocket almost hopelessly, I thought I would find it uncharged, but it had almost 30% of battery! Score, Mark!! I think last night I recorded something, that happens pretty much every night we hit the pub - typical Irish men get drunk. I could get even more famous if I posted it on YouTube! aha! That's basically how messed up my head is.

I grin with my ideas and then open the camera roll, hopping to find a snippet of last night, but there was nothing. What?

"Oh my God." I head a loud groan from downstairs but I don't move. Then, someone went against a wall blindly, I was able to clearly hear the loud noise it made.

"Deal with it." I yelled back, chuckling a bit after that someone hit something again. It was hilarious even though I wasn't seeing what was happening. I wanted to laugh, but my headache didn't allow that.

"Funny much, Mark?" The person shouted again from downstairs and I couldn't hold my laughter any longer. A little laugh never hurts somebody. Unless you're hangover, which might make your head explode.

"Shut up boys!!" A feminine voice shouted from the end of the hall, Emma was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep while me and Danny, I suppose he was the one hitting walls and shit downstairs, where shouting to each other because we where too lazy to simply go downstairs and have a proper talk.

I got up and walked into the room at the end of the hall. It was the spare room Dan used to take when he wasn't in good conditions to drive back home. Or if you rather, when was almost passed out. It is a simple room, not much decoration on it, there was a bed of course, bedside tables with a small lamp on top of each one, a big painting on the wall opposite the bed and there was a mirror as well, Dan had always to have his hair perfectly quiffed. And they say woman take a lot of time getting ready! Not to mention there was also a small bathroom.

I nocked on the door, making sure the path was clear. A small mumble was the sign I needed to open the door. There she was! And she was laying on the bed, her clothes all over the floor. Is she naked?! Mark, you're a married man with children.

"What do you want." She snapped as soon as I moved closer to the king sized bed.

"Good morning to you too." I rolled my eyes playfully at her, she was definitely not in a good mood. Her angry sight only made it clearer. I approached carefully, I don't know if she has cloths on or not.

"Good morning. Now, what do you want?" Emma asked with a more lovely voice, a fake one, but it was better than before.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." The small girl was now sitting on the bed, listening carefully to all the words I was saying. Thank God she was wearing a t-shirt that was huge. "I didn't mean to wake you or Glen up, specially Glen because he was our babysitter but yeah, it's mine and Dan's fault and I apologise in his behalf," A gentle giggle escaped from her mouth as I mentioned the one downstairs, maybe it was because he was hitting walls, or because there's something else I'm not seeing right now. "Apparently, the fucker doesn't have the balls to come here and apologise."

"Oh Markie, he's just hungover and he's like this when his head is bursting." Another small, innocent giggle and when I noticed it, I was giggling with her.

"You haven't seen a thing." I added, making our conversation even funnier. "If you want, I can show you a video of last month, it was funny." Offering that, I took my almost-dead phone out of my pocket and started looking for the snippet.

"Don't bother with that Mark." Her little hand was on my shoulder. "We should go downstairs and help the poor blind man." I laughed at her comment and got up after she patted my back.

"He didn't brought his glasses and I believe he took his contacts last night so we have to help him." We giggled together as we made our way downstairs, finding a grumpy Glen on our way.

"Hey-a G, did you get any sl--" Emma started but she was immediately cut off because Glen had raised one finger, meaning silence. This man is so bossy today.

"Don't talk to me, don't poke me, don't call me book worm or nerd, never make me your babysitter for the night ever again." Glen snapped. Glen snapped. He has never snapped like this before. We really must have gotten into his nerves. Oh God what if Dan tries to speak with him.

The three of us continued the silent and awkward way down stairs thanks to Glen's order. But it was our fault as well. We made him grumpy, we disturbed the little angel.

"Glenny boy!! Yo-"

"Daniel, shut your mouth. Don't you dare speaking with me or to me. Not today." And again he snapped even more harshly. Dan's the one who's gotten into his nerves, causing this situation. The only person that calls Danny by his first name is his mom when she's really angry at him.

"I'm sorry G, it wasn't my fa..."

"You heard me, don't you try me, I'm done with all this." And then he banged the front door, leaving without any warning of when he's coming back or where he's spending the day/night if he doesn't come back.

"What have I done..." Dan almost whispered and looked down. Even thought it's mainly his fault, it's mine and Emma's fault as well. He wasn't the only one almost passing out last night, he wasn't the only one who was loud as hell, but he's the one who pissed Glen off.

"Listen, Dan, it's not only your fault, it's ours as well. The three of us got really drunk last night and Glen was then only one taking care of us, as he said "babysitting" us. So please don't freak out, saying it's all your fault when it isn't." Emma was reading me like a book, saying what I was still processing out loud. I gave an apologetic look at Danny, while Emma was rubbing her hand on his naked arms, trying to sooth him. "I'll text Glen just to track him." She reassured the both of us.

"Knowing him as almost a brother, I bet he's just at the park." I mumbled, my voice low, showing the acute pain it was causing. Glen has never acted like this before, of course I was fucking worried!!

"Ohh, the tough guy is emotional awww." Danny mocked while I was giving him my biggest "fuck off" look.

"If you weren't as stupid as you are, none of this would have happened!" I yelled, not handling my feelings. He was shocked, his face disgusted. Anger was bursting on my blood vessels, I could feel my veins pumping it. "You fucking did this! You should be worried, not joking you asshole!" Pressing him against a wall, with my hands fisting his shirt tightly, I screamed to his face.


That's what I saw in his eyes.

And then I started crying.

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