Every inch of your skin

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Lucas pov

"Why are you given me that face?" I ask as I turn and glare at Zay

"Dude what are you wearing?" Zay says as he gestures to my outfit

"It's a button up and khakis? What's so wrong with that" I say as I move to the mirror to fix my hair

"It's a button up and khakis! How can you not see the weirdness in this'' he say as he shakes his head sitting on my desk chair

"Okay I ask you for advice! Not for you to mock my clothes" I say glaring at him

"Okay! Well sorry that my best friend is unrecognizable! What the heck happened to jeans, Jackets and a shirt" he say as he pulls out my leather jacket

"Look, I have to look decent for her okay. She's not going to give me what I want if I look like a delinquent" I say tiring my  my shoes on

"Oh!! I see what your doing MAD DOG!" He winks at me laughing

"Oh really and what's that?" I say as I look at him

"You're playing the "changed bad boy". Have to hand it to you Friar that's genius! Making her think you're changing for her! Nice going" he says as he pats my back

"Ummm.. Yea that's totally what I'm doing" I laugh nervously as I make my way out

That's the true reason.. Yea that's the only reason..

Riley pov

"Sooo! You ready for tonight" Maya says as she jumps on the bed

"Yes I am! How do I look?l" I say as I twirl

"like a million bucks!" Maya says jumping on the bed

"thank you! thank you!"I giggle as I bow a little

" so what's today's plan of attack" Maya says smirking rubbing her hands together

"what.."I say moving closer

"well this whole date is just to reel him more in right? Play with his emotions! Its not like you care for him " Maya says smiling

"oh.. yea! of course!" i say as i sit down fixing my hair

"Riley? you don't care right" Maya says as she looks at me through the mirror

"of course I don't! how could I care for such as jackass" i say As i silently cringe hoping Maya didn't notice

"Good i was starting to think you cared for him. here let me help" she says as she comes behind me helping me finish my hair

"thank you and I would never care for him, he doesn't deserves that" I whisper looking down

"I can't wait till this blows up in his face! Thanks Riley, i'm glad his going to hurt like I did" she smiles as I watch her through the mirror

"his going to be completely crush!" I smile as Maya continues to finish my hair

I stare at my reflection as those worlds run through my mind. I hear Maya continue to talk as I simple smile and nod my head along

destroy him.. yea.. i'm completely fine with that...

Lucas pov

I lean on my car as I wait for her to message me. I shift my feet around as i felt my palms sweat.

Lucas hold it together

I look up quickly as I get a glimpse of brown hair. My eyes widen as I watch her walk towards me. She smiles as she looks up. I bite my lip as I stand straight moving a bit closer to her

Breaking the FriarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora