I can't anymore... Rowan does not deserve this or the cast

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The picture above is from Rowan's Twitter

And I am honestly so disgusted right now with the way some people are acting...

WHY WHY!?! Just answer me why!? be so hateful to a person that believes in equal rights that speaks her mind, that cares about issues that are important today. why why would you be such an asshole to someone like that I don't understand it!? Why will you send so much hate and tell this girl that her best friend is better then her!? Why would take so much energy to say so much crap about her!?

Someone please explain because I am beyond tired of seeing all the nasty and hateful comments towards her!

She left earlier from the teen choice awards and people started bashing her and calling her fake. For fucke sakes she went for tacos!! If anyone else would of done it they would of been called goal or queen but no she does it and she call dramatic and unprofessional

Also another is why hate on a damn character!? I love the character of Riley Matthews she is wonderful. why are you hating on someone that sees the good in life!? today's world is filled with so much darkness and hate. So why are you trying to destroy this beautiful character. This character that was written to show us that it's okay to have hope, it's okay to be happy and want happiness for others. Every character there is amazing and well written they're are they so we can relate to them

Rowan is beautiful a person! She is an amazing actress and an amazing leader. She fight for wants right and speaks up for what's not. So why hate on her then be a hypocrite and say you want world peace/ that it's okay to speak your mind!?!?

And I'm not just saying this just for Rowan but for the entire cast. The Entire cast at some point during the whole time they have played this characters have gotten hate, I just don't understand why? they're doing their jobs. their different from the characters they play. If your ship didn't happen it doesn't matter because at the end of the day for the 10 billion time the show is about friendship.. it's about knowing the relationships in your life will always be there.. the power of friendship and the people around you will guide you for the better things in life..

I'll admit.. I won't be a hypocrite.. I thought it was just about the ships that's how I viewed the show, but then I actually analyzed it makeluke has an amazing Instagram page and I read the post she suggests. I read articles and have re-watched the season and it's true it's about Maya and Riley. it's about the extraordinary relationship between them, and I wish I had one like that. It's about the impact this people have on each other.

I've never loved a show as much as I love the Girl meets world. I love the writers, I love the actor, I love everything about it and to see people just completely take it so much out of context, be so upset when their ship doesn't happen. To the point where they threaten some peoples lives and create horrible hashtags. It just makes me so mad and it breaks my heart and...

I don't know I just needed to get this off my chest. I know this doesn't make sense at all, it's all over the place but I couldn't keep it in anymore. I've had times where I just want to speak out but I don't. but I just decided to write this because I cant keep it in anymore.

I'm tired of all this hate, I'm tired of people being so rude to each other. We all fell in love with this show. we are in love with the characters.

let's show them that. Lets show them that we understand the messages of the show and that we love it. That we care about it as much as they do. Let's apologize for all this hate! Let's show everyone the love! Not just the cast but the whole crew to! They all need they love.

Sorry for this huge rant.. I couldn't keep it in anymore. Rowan is the first person that I have every looked up to. She inspires me so much. And it hurts to see all of this..

Have a great day loves. Thank you

**please no hate** ✌🏽️

Breaking the FriarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora