Breach and Clear

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When I woke up it was morning. I looked over at Maddie to see if she was awake. She was still asleep. I looked down to see the assault rifle in my hand. Must of fell asleep with it in my hands, I thought. I open my door. I reached a crossed Maddie and locked the door. I smiled and took the keys out of the ignition. I got out with the other assault rifle clip and my shotgun and ammo for it. Locked the door before closing it. Briston got out with a 12GA pump and a 270 bolt action rifle. He locked his truck as well. We meet up at the entrance gate of the base.  "Try to be quiet as possible." I said. "Use your guns only for emergency's." He said to me. I nodded to him and we started going the base. I strapped the assault rifle and pulled my machete out ready for zombies. We walk through the gate and looked around multiple bodies and a few zombies.

We moved forward and moved silent. I sliced a zombie's head as we crept by. Briston stabbed one in the head. It was about two hours later when we cleared the base. When we got back to the vehicles and we both notice something. Maddie and Ashley was not in the cars. Me and Briston pulled our guns out and looked around. Then I heard some noise coming from behind the jeep. I move to the end and popped the corner. No way, I thought. I put my gun down in shocked. Briston walk beside me and says quietly "Holy shit". Maddie and Ashley was making out, and I was enjoying it. They stopped and looked over. "What I'm bisexual Briston and I couldn't stop myself from getting all over this beauty." Ashley said. Maddie smiled and says "Now I know I have an alternative if me and you don't work out.". I open my mouth then shut it. Well she does have a point, I thought.

I looked at Briston who still had his jaw a hanging. I slapped him and he came back to the real world. "Stop getting a boner and let's go." I said. He laugh and got in his truck along with Ashley. I tossed my assault rifle and shot gun in the back of the jeep.  I got in my jeep and so did Maddie. "I love you but I'm sacred I will lose you." she said looking at the floor. I started the jeep up and drove in the military base. I went to the nearest barracks and Briston pulled up beside me and started unloading his truck . "It's okay Maddie. I understand but it's gonna take more than a fuckin zombie to take me out. If I get bit...I want you to take me out." I said looking at her before turning off the jeep. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I pulled her over to me and rest her head on my shoulders. She started crying and it was killing me. I just hurt her emotionally, I thought. She looked at me five minutes later. I open the door and turn my body, but hold on to her. I got out with her in my arms. I walked into the barracks and lay her on the bed in the second nearest room.

She looked at me and says "No please don't leave me, Michael. I love you and I don't want you bit or to die." I stopped in the doorway then looked at her and replied "We got to get us sleeping bags. So we can have heat to help us sleep. I promise Briston will stay.". She got up and ran to me and started to hit my chest. "No I don't want you to leave." She said through her tears as she started crying again. I hold her and she cried on me. I waited till she fell asleep and layed her on the bed. I walked out the barracks. Briston had move every thing of ours in the barracks. He came out behind me and said "We got to board this place up so we don't have zombies in our base, and some heat and winter cloths. Winters coming soon." I looked at him and replied "I am going to go get the stuff. I need you here to protect and gather ammo and weapons. Protect Maddie for me while I am gone, and gather some fire wood. We might be here for a while, comrade."

He nodded and said "We gonna need lots and lots of boards and barbed wire and sheet metal.". I looked away from him and looked at the city. "I need you to promise that if she can't kill me when I'm infected...that you will." I said. I could tell he was startled by this. "You won't get bit MG42. I promise you that." He replied a few seconds later. I looked back at him with seriousness. "I'm not saying I'm gonna get bit but I'm not say it's not gonna happen either." he looked at me then nodded. I handed him my keys. "If it is alright I'm gonna take the truck. 'Cause that lumber and sheet metal will fly out with my jeep." I said holding them out. He takes them and hand me his. "Yeah cause we need that wood, metal and nails or else were as good as dead." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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