Long road ahead of us

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I walk to the hood of the truck and looked at the map. I took another cigar out of the plastic and light it. Briston lit a cigarette and took a drag . I took a drag of my cigar and said through the smoke " somewhere close to a city but not to close. But not to far either.". I took another drag and exhaled. He pointed to a spot in California. "What about here?" He said. "It mostly flat land. means easy defense. but if we have bandits we could get fucked over." I said.

"True." He said taking a drag of his cigarette. I pointed to a random thing on the map. "Ain't that a military base? If so we can make a base out of that. Located few miles out of Charleston." I said. "Means weapons as well. DUDE AK-74U'S!" he said with a smile. I took a drag and chuckled. Only Paco would say, I thought. "Load up we are heading to military base. ETA 6 hours" I said throwing my cigar into the road. I looked up at the graves. Last time I will ever see them.

I got into my jeep. Little noise came from Maddie. I look over and she's still asleep. She looked so peaceful. I stroked her cheek and smiled. First time I've ever been happy in a while cause of a beautiful girl, I thought. I look behind and Briston had back down the drive way and was waiting for me to move. I started up the jeep and backed down the drive way. When I backed in front of Briston I put it in drive and started heading to the military base.

At the end of my holler I turned right cause we needed to get back on the highway to Charleston. I stopped at a pharmacy before the highway. I got out with my dad's assault rifle and the 3 clips he had owned. I put a mag in the assault rifle and loaded it.  Briston pulled up behind me and got out with his 12GA shotgun. "Jack Daniel stop?" Briston said smoking a cigarette. "Yep" I said looking at him. He took the pack out and gave me a cigarette. I lit it and took a drag. "Let's do it." I said walking to the doors. I kicked open the door and went in the store with caution. Briston came to the left side shotgun aiming down an isle.

I went behind the counter. "Want vodka, Paco?" I said holding a bottle of vodka up. "Sure why the hell not" He said. I put my assault rifle on the counter. I started stuffing jack and vodka into bags. Had five bags each of vodka and jack. Briston started taking loads to his truck. I picked up my assault rifle and moved through out the pharmacy. It was dark so I turn the flash light on. I loaded up multiple bag up with multiple medicines. Every time I got one full I would tie it and leave it on the floor. Briston came behind me and take them to the truck. When I was done I must of had six bags of medicines. I started heading out. I move towards the door when I heard a load pop. The door that lead to the prescriptions  medicines area broke. Zombies started walking in. I throw the cigarette I had at them. I'm suck an idiot, I thought

I started shooting at them. Good thing the assault rifle was semi-auto. I started running backwards to the door. I ran out of ammo in the first clip when I got to the doors. I shoulder it and ran to the jeep. It seem like everything was coming for us now. I got in the jeep and started it up. I put it in drive and went over the sidewalk. Hit multiple zombies and went towards the highway. I looked in the review mirror. Briston was behind me, thank god. Ashley was sitting in the passenger seat. Finally came to, I thought. I looked backed at the road and took it to the highway.

When we hit the highway I slowed down and drive at 60mph. We went though multiple abandon quranten areas. A lot of blood was there also. Guess there plans failed, I thought. A moment later I felt a hand on my chest. I looked over at Maddie who was awake. She looked at me with them beautiful Forest green eyes. I leaned over and kissed her.

She smiled and leaned on my arm. I looked back at the road and drove all the way to Charleston. We stopped before we hit Charleston. I pulled over and Briston pulled in front of me and parked. I turned off my jeep and looked at Maddie. She smiled and got on top of me. "No matter what I never want to loose you my beautiful princess" I said. She smiled and took off her shirt. she was wearing a black and pink bra. I kissed her neck and smiled. Just then Briston knocked on the window. "Damn cock blocker" she said. She got back in the passenger seat. I get out and said "Great job on ruining my pleasure". He looked in my jeep then looked at me. 

"Sorry comrade but we got to get through the city. How are we gonna do that?" He said. I looked at him and said "With fucking speed and force. No stopping till we get out of the damn city.". he nodded and walk to his truck."Through the gates of heaven and on the highway to hell." He said getting in. I chuckled and got back in my jeep. I looked over and Maddie had put her shirt back on. "Maybe later we can have some fun" She said then kisses me. I smiled and started the jeep

Briston pulled out and I pull out behind him. He stayed in front of me. When we got in the city of Charleston. We punched it and busted through the city. Zombies came out of building, and street corners. We hit anyone of them that got in our way. Maddie reach back and change the mags out in my assault rifle, and turned the light off on it. She put it back after changing the mags. looking forward said "I'm scared." I hit a zombie and said "Don't be scared I'm here to protect you. I promise not to let any of these fuckers get you." She got close to me and grabbed hold of me to get comfort.

Briston turned right and I drifted right so I can keep up with him. I hit more zombies drifting than driving. I guess street racing driving is more effective than normal driving. We must of turn a dozen times before we made it out. We were heading down the road to the military base. I looked at Maddie and she had her eyes closed. "It's alright. We're out of their." I said. She opened her eyes and looked out the passenger window. "I couldn't keep looking when we were in the city. I was getting to scared." She said. "I know beautiful. That's why if we go out and scavenge you and Ashley stay." I said. She looked at me and nodded. I punched the gas and flew by Briston.

He punched his and caught up to me. I chuckled and Maddie laughed and moved back over in the passenger seat. She buckled up and looked at the road. I seen the military road and drift on to it. It was about an hour later when we parked outside base. I turned the jeep off. It was night time when we got there. I got out with my assault rifle and turn the flash light on and shined it around. Briston got out and said "What are we doing MG42?". I said "We are sleeping in our cars tonight. We will secure the base tomorrow, got it?" He nodded and got back in his truck. I turn the light off and got in my jeep. Maddie had fallen asleep. I close the door quiet and closed my eyes.

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