This Marriage Might Work

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Terrance and I were still by the edge of the pool as more people started to come outside. We were laughing and having fun. From behind Terrance I could see James get even more angry, see him get more drunk.

I stopped smiling at a joke Terrance said. My head tilted to the side as I looked at James, his head in his hands. “Why is James such a… ass hole?” I asked.

“You don’t get it, Ever. He had a hard life. His dad is so, demanding. He never got to really see his parents. Damn before Meghan was born and they decided to have them live here, he had to be escorted to the movies.” Terrance looked behind himself and stared at James also.

“That’s no excuse. I rarely saw my parents either. With my mother planning weddings and my dad making electronics all I had was my cleaning lady, my best friend, and my dog.” I shook my head and looked at the water below my feet.

Terrance looked at me and shook him head in agreement.

I continued to stare at James. Soon enough he got up and walked over to Madiline. I knew the scene was going to be entertaining. James slugged over to Madi. The boy Madi was drooling over tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and stared at James.

“Hey baby. This is Jack, he is super yummy.” Madiline said pointing to the boy and kissed his neck.

The boy slightly pushed her off, “My name is Jordan.”

“Whatever, J and J. So J James, what are you doing here?” She asked, her voice getting higher with every word.

“I need to talk to you Madiline. I love you I really do but-” He said lightly, he took her hand. They both stumbled backwards, not falling, but really close.

She stopped him in the middle of his sentence, “But that bitch is in the fucking way!” She pointed to me, “I mean she’s not even pretty. Your parents are total retards for picking her for you. I’m right for you,” She slurred pointing to him.

“No, that’s what I have to talk to you about,” He took her shoulders and started walking backwards a bit, “I think we should break up. This is all to confusing and-” Madiline didn’t let him finish the sentence.

She pushed him, hard. We walked back a little to help him from not falling. “No! We are not breaking up! We’re the most perfect couple in the world. You said you’d always love me. Did you lie? Well did you, James?” Madi yelled. Pushing him after ever sentence. They were terribly close to the edge of the pool.

“I’m sorry Madiline. Your just so cold hearted, mean, and not the one. I just don’t fancy you the way I used to.” James tried to comfort her. She shook her head and threw his arms off her.

“Bullshit!” She yelled, giving him the last push. The final push and landed both of them in the water. “Fine,” Madiline yelled when she reached surface, “were through. Have fun with that whore!” She pointed to me. She swam to the edge and stomped all the way inside the party.

People were looking. Gavin came over and kneeled down next to me. James was swimming over to the edge.

“Mate, I think you should be getting home right now.” Terrance said, giving James a hand to sit at the edge with us.

“No, I’m fine. I just want another drink and-” Gavin shook his head and James.

“No. No more drinks. Ever, honey. Do you mind taking your fiancé home?” Gavin asked me, handing me the keys. I felt like I would be doing this often. I took the keys and shook my head in agreement.

Gavin and Terrance got up and helped James up. They went to the back way and walked to James’ silver convertible.

“From here on out, this is your responsibility.” Gavin told me pointing to James. I looked his way. He was looking at his shoes.

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