Dare (Alexandra)

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-- Dare (Alexandra)

Day one of Dairy-

I'm in the future, and I'm scared! How did I get here and what is happening? There was a blast of color and then... I'm here. Anyway I met some people that are taking care of me. They don't know I'm from the past, and I don't plan to tell them. They are all about my age but Torrid (he is soooo cute) is older like a few years older, he's the oldest of the group. I'm sharing a room with Blithe she's to sweet! She's here I got to go.

Day two-

The people that found me; Benign, Torrid, Blithe, Keen, Avidity, and Blatant are part of a secret team that is trying to get the leaders to let us outside. The air is poisonous on the ground, but on top of the shorter towers the air is fine! I don't see why it is illegal but, I won't help them. Not yet, I need to learn more about the place I'm in!

Week 7-

I haven't written in a while. But, I've been at school. Apparently what every said when I arrived was true.

There are two ways to be born in this place.

The real way (which doesn't happen much because no one marries for love, just money) and then the weird way. They have machines that make people! They make them in huge groups and they are born at age 14. I'm not sure why THAT age. But I just went with the fact of that what happened to me. But parents are an issue. I could have only been created if people wanted me, I told the guys (oh by the way they have a team name "The Wonderers") that my parents didn't want me after all and set me on my marry way. They didn't even bat an eye at that lie (I guess it happens a lot or something)

Week 8-

I JUST found out why everyone has such weird names!!! They are given names that they are like. Like Torrid, since he is so hot (like a freaking god!) they called him Torrid! It means hot or something. Benign means kind and so does Blithe. They are both REALLY nice!!! Keen (the one with nerdy glasses) is SO smart!! Oh and also he only wears the glasses because it makes him look smart. His eyes are perfect, everyone's are around here. Oh dear I have to go! The tower leaders are having a meeting and the team and I are going to crash it (wish me good luck!)

Month 6-

The last entering was so long ago because I went to jail. We crashed the meeting and all at once we were taken to jail. While in there I got very close to Avidity. She's my best friend. The friend I only had with Griffin. I've never been this close to a girl before. Also while I was in there I thought a lot about my life before here. It was so boring and I think I'm glad I left. But I miss Lloyd I love him so much! And Griffin too. I miss everyone at the orphanage! I miss Fox and Marty and all the girls that I used to have to hang out with when Lloyd wasn't there. I miss old Bailey the streets (not hallways) and the open air and the amazing forests by the home. They have trees here but it's not the same. Bye dear old book!

Month 7-

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! I'm turning 15! Torrid is taking me on a date ;) we have been getting really close in the past months he's really funny (and good looking wooo) and he's tall and sweet and AMMMAZING!! I'm so excited!!! Also I've changed my look a little I cut my hair to below my ears and dyed it red. I also had a eye job done. They are deep blue like Fox's I always love his eyes.

Month 12- I've been here a whole year. I've been dating Torrid for 5 months. I can't believe it's been this long! I will always wonder what happened to my brother and friends but the history is sealed. I think they don't want us to remember what it used to be like. The team has given up trying to let us outside. At least we can see out the windows in the great room now. So yay! We still can't visit other towers... No one can except the leaders. But anyway! Torrid and I are going on a very important date! I think it's going to be our first time. I think I'm nervous. Or maybe not! I don't know!

Month 15-

It's been a blast living here! I hardly even think about averyone back home! Except Lloyd, I mean someone's twin is very important to someone right? I really wish I could get into the history! But even if I could its not like he was important right?? But! I must say everything in the towers is mostly perfect. Food is grown by robots out in farm land (old America) and we are here living in towers. Oh my! Have I talked about the music? No!?!? Well, it's AMAZING!! Back in 2013 the music was Horrible! Justin Beiber and One direction= yuck! The music now is amazing! Its not exactly words, more just sounds. But the sounds differ on how you want it to sound. Like if your happy the sounds sound happy. It's so hard to explain but it's beautiful.

Month- 24

SECOND YEAR!!! And this is the day I'm going to marry Torrid! I know I'm only 16 but that's normal around here. Actually marrying around 16 is kinda late. I mean Torrid is 19 almost 20! He's sooo late!! Haha that sounds funny huh? "Late" teehee... Oh Crap! I'm going to be late to the wedding!!

Month 28-

Well, I'm going to have a baby! I'll be 17 when I have her. Yes its a girl!! We can't know what we are naming her yet. The computer will take her blood when she's born and then give us choices. Torrid is so happy! He is getting a better paid job to pay for her. The hours will be longer but with luck we can have a babysitter or something. I'm still going to work at the news paper. I enjoy writing the kid story's they put in. The story's are mostly about my old life. I even use the same names. But, sometimes I make them up. The kids like them all evenly I guess. At least they use real paper and not have it on line. I think the towers want the old ways back as much as possible.

Month 36-

It's been three days after the third year date and Fox, Marty, Griffin, and Lloyd are here. They say some time travels helped them get here, I don't know what to do! I can't go back! It's been three years and going back would be so hard. Lloyd and I don't look anything alike anymore, I'm the same age as Fox. I'm married and It's not like I can take Torrid with me! He doesn't know I'm from the past! And the baby is due any day now. I'm 17 years old. It not like I can go back to 2013 three years older!!! But all the boys insist I come back. Apparently I help change the past (or present to them) so greatly that I must! Oh dear! Marty is just as cute as I remember! His hair and face is just wonderful! I mean I love Torrid so much it hurts. But I don't know! But he doesn't feel the same anymore. I thought he would. He says its only been a few days for him. How can he not have feelings for me anymore after a few days!!! But who cares right? I have Torrid now... I don't care about Marty... Right?


Hey guys its me! The author! I just wanted to say thanks for reading Skipping Time and also, could you comment and vote? I would love to hear what you think of it! Thanks!


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