Simulator: Mal and Evie Dolls.
Mal: You're joking, right?
Evie: Those things are so creepy!
Audrey: I know!
Jane: Unfortunately, they also make them in the Jane, Audrey, and Lonnie model.
Lonnie: Oh god, I'm going to die from embarrassment.
Chad: No, you won't. I found a picture of yours and it doesn't look bad.
Ben: Mal's is so cute!!!!! Doug, you want to get one of Evie when I go to Walmart?
Doug: What do you think?
Chad: I'm coming to.
Jay: Same here.
Carlos: I want one of Jane.
Mal: Our boyfriends are so weird.
All the girls: Agreed.
Mal: You guys want to get revenge?
Evie: How so?
Mal: What the guys don't know is that there are also dolls of them to, so I vote that we go to a different Walmart and buy dolls of them. That way, they will see how creepy the dolls really are. Is anyone opposed?
All the girls: Nope.
Audrey: Let's get going!
Simulator: Children play childish games.
Mal: Hey! I take offense to that!
Simulator: Sorry. So touchy.
Descendants React
Ngẫu nhiênHow the characters from Descendants react to everything from our world.