Forgotten Auradon

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Dedicated to Disney_Cimorelli. I got this idea from reading Forgotten Auradon.

Simulator: Forgotten Auradon by Disney_Cimorelli.

Mal: What is that?

Ben: According to what I Googled, it a story on this website called Wattpad.

Evie: Oh! I have a Wattpad account. You write stories and stuff on there. Not to mention, you can also read stories. We can read this on my account.

Mal: Or, here's a thought, why don't we all make Wattpad accounts of our own?

Evie: That would work to.

After they finish reading the story.

Mal: I liked it. Can we read Auradon Remembered next?

Ben: Yeah. I want to figure out what happens next!

Jay: Does everyone remember?

Audrey: Will everyone make Auradon the way it was before the stupid spell?

Jane: What happened to the parents?

Carlos: Did Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos get caught?

Chad: Um, Carlos, it's a story about what would happen if FG didn't catch the wand. It has all of us in this alternate universe. It's you in the story so just say it as if you're in the story.

Lonnie: Chad, chill. Besides, I like it. It's new and different.

Audrey: Yeah.

Doug: I think it was great.

Mal: It was awesome.

Simulator: I that one reaction went smoothly.

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