chapter 9 - The Things We Left Behind

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From 9.21 "King of the Damned", outside the Bunker, Young Sabrina and Ness were standing outside, talking.

"If I hurt somebody, or turn into that thing that Crowley and Abaddon wanted to turn me into... I need you to take care of it," Young Sabrina told her.

"'Take care of it'?" Ness repeated skeptically. "You mean kill you?"

"I can't turn into what they want me to turn into," Young Sabrina told her. "I need to know that I won't hurt anyone. If I get that bad... if I lose control and turn into a monster... just do it. Okay?"

Ness stepped closer, holding her shoulders, making her meet her gaze. "Listen to me. That's not gonna happen to you. You fight it, okay? And I'll fight this, this Mark, the Blade, everything. For as long as we can. We'll help each other. That's what we do. We fight. And we can fight together."

Young Sabrina looked up at her, unsure and uneasy. She took a moment to respond, nodding, only slightly reassured. Ness pulled her into her arms. Young Sabina returned the embrace, leaning her head against her.

From 10.03 "Soul Survivor", in the Bunker's dungeon, Ness was handcuffed to the chair within the Devil's Trap, looking at Catty, taunting her. "She didn't tell you that she asked me to kill her with the Blade if she ever got out of control, did she?" Sam, Dean and Catty looked at Ness in shock. Catty tried to hide the reaction. Ness smirked. "I'm going to take that as a no. But I guess you hit a lucky break, for once. I tried to kill her with the First Blade. It didn't work. So if the Blade that can kill anything can't kill the True Hybrid, what can, Cat?"

From 10.02 "Reichenbach", outside the bar, Ness plunged the First Blade into Sabrina's chest, making her gasp in pain and flash with light. Nothing else happened.

Ness: (voice over from 10.04 Paper Moon) "I can't believe that I tried to kill Sabrina."

Ness pulled the Blade out in shock.

Catty: (voice over from 10.04 Paper Moon) "You apologized to her for it."

Sabrina seemed surprised herself.

Ness: (voice over from 10.04 Paper Moon) "It doesn't matter, Catty. I would've killed her if the First Blade had worked."

They all watched as the wound in her chest healed.

Ness: (voice over from 10.04 Paper Moon) "No matter how much I apologize, nothing can make up for the wrong that I've done."

From 10.06 "Ask Jeeves", in the LaCroix Mansion's kitchen, Sam, Catty and Dean ran in with guns raised. Ness grabbed the silver knife, holding it in both hands, raising it above her head, stabbing it down into Olivia's chest with more force than she had to, into her heart, killing her. Olivia gasped in surprise and pain. The life slowly drained away from her. Ness felt the rush of power from the kill again, feeling the darkness from the Mark, knowing that it had been pushing her to be more ruthless, trying to push her into becoming more of a killer, but she held it at bay, barely.

Ness: (voice over from 10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls) "The Mark was pushing me."

Ness was breathing heavily, looking up at Sam, Catty and Dean with a dark look in her eyes.

Dean: (voice over from 10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls) "I know. I saw it in your eyes."

Sam, Catty and Dean slowly stepped closer warily. They put their guns away, still wary and concerned. Ness avoided their gazes, looking down.

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