chapter 12 - Girls Chase Boys

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From 10.10 "The Hunter Games", in Hell's throne room, Rowena chanted a spell. "Wings of Titania, bear mine eyes aloft as I bid thee."

From 10.07 "Girls, Girls, Girls", in Bistro de Moules, the waiter started to sweat. His eyes and head were turning red. He dropped the plates, making them shatter. His head was now bright red and peeling. He fell to the floor.

Rowena smiled. "Magic."

Rowena put a Hex Bag into the waiter's hand.

From 10.07 "Girls, Girls, Girls", in Raul's Girls' bar, Rowena tossed a Hex Bag to Raul. Raul caught it.

From 10.07 "Girls, Girls, Girls", in the hotel hallway, Rowena put a Hex Bag in Elle's hand.

From 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum", outside the Dutton House, Dean, Sam and Catty were posing as detectives.

Sam showed them a bag. "Hex Bag."

"So we're thinking Witch?" Catty asked.

From 10.10 "The Hunter Games", in Hell's throne room, Rowena pulled a Hex Bag out from under the throne, smiling. 

Sam: (voice over from 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum) "Yeah. This is old world black magic."

From 10.07 "Girls, Girls, Girls", in the hotel hallway, Catty and Ness walked toward Rowena, Elle and the girl.

"We're here for the Witch," Ness told them. "Rowena."

From 10.07 "Girls, Girls, Girls", in Hell's Cell, Rowena was chained to a wall, her face cut and bruised.

Crowley was in shock. "Mother?"

From 10.10 "The Hunter Games", in Hell's throne room, Crowley looked at Rowena. "You did manage to stay away for three hundred years."

"There was unpleasantness with the Grand Coven," Rowena told him. "It was no environment for a child."

From 9.07 "Crazy Kids", outside CBGB, there were crowds of people partying and having a good time, drinking and doing drugs. Young Dean and Young Ness walked closer.

"'Screw it, let's go to CBGB'," Young Dean told her. "'There ain't nothing to do'. 'Come on, Dean, it'll be fun'."

From 9.07 "Crazy Kids", in Sonny's Home for Boys, Sonny looked at the bouncer from CBGB. "How did they sneak in if you're the bouncer, Billy?"

Billy took off his sunglasses, revealing a bruised eye. He advanced toward Young Dean angrily. "You sucker punched me!"

"You wish!" Young Dean told him.

"Dean!" John told him. 

From 9.07 "Crazy Kids", outside the house, Young Ness and Young Dean walked away from the house, John and Bobby defiantly.

"Vanessa Claire Singer," Bobby told her. Young Ness turned to face them, looking at Bobby. "Go, Ness." Young Ness looked at Young Dean, not wanting to leave. "Now."

Bobby led Young Ness away, leaving.

From 9.11 "First Born", outside of Cain's farmhouse, Crowley, Ness and Dean stood outside.

"It's Cain," Crowley told them.

"As in Cain and Abel?" Ness asked.

From 9.11 "First Born", in Cain's farmhouse, Cain explained to Dean, Ness and Crowley. "Lucifer was gonna make my brother into his pet. So I offered a deal."

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