Chapter 6

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I felt horrible. I was despicable, untrustworthy, and unfaithful, and worst of all... I was a coward. I would never be able to handle having a boyfriend without it being awkward. Never.

I was on a date with Keaton right now and couldn't even focus on him. "And so that's how I got a scholarship to the University of Arizona." He finished whatever he was going on about. I nodded as if I understood what he had just said. "You know, you're a really good listener." Keaton said and I just laughed at him.

"I guess I am..." I said awkwardly and he nodded his head. Now I was lying to him, not listening to him, and like another guy. I'm the worst girlfriend in the world!

"No you aren't!" Oh god. I said that out loud. "You're giving, nice, beautiful, and most of all trustworthy." I groaned in frustration.

"Sorry, I'm just so tired!" I lied when he eyed me suspiciously. "What time is it?" I asked wanting to escape and go to my room and curl up in a ball... With Zayn.

Stop! Stop you darned brain and thoughts! Ugh... This is so horrible.

"It's ten, we should head back to school now." He said grabbing my hand as we walked out of the restaurant we were in. I felt nice air hit my skin as we stepped out of the doors and waltzed toward the college. We found that it was only a few blocks away and a nice walk.

As we walked, he continued to talk while I gave myself tingles thinking about the warmth of Zayn.

When I finally got back to the comfort of my dorm I jumped on my bed face first and groaned loudly. I was so tired, stressed out, and most of all sore. I had been running around all week for the boys and trying to work with them.

We had started the paintings and I can hardly take them anymore. They were obnoxious when it came to cooperating and so immature. So far, I have Zayn's leg... It's been a week! I have seven more to make six paintings and a sculpture. Not what I call easy when your working with these boys. I've started the sculpture, too, but only on my free time I work on it. I have to take care of these boys too, who I'd rather refer to as apes. I'm getting really annoyed with all of this and I just can't take it anymore.

"Rosy?" I heard Louis whisper, quietly creeping into my room.

"What Louis?" I replied a little more harsh than necessary, but you know how I felt.

"Are you okay? Do you want anything?" He sat on the edge of my bed. This is why I liked Louis. He actually knew how to treat a girl! I know that he had always stood up for Eleanor and all, but he did it to all females. I really appreciated it because it was almost brotherly, or fatherly a bit.

"I'm fine Carrot Boy." I sighed stuffing my face in my fluffy pillow.

"You don't look okay," he said with a little bit of sass. I looked at him with an offended form of shock displaying on my face. "No offense, but what happened on your date?"

"Nothing, okay?"

"Really?" He urged.

I knew it wasn't worth avoiding telling him because he'd annoy me until I told him something. "Can I tell you in the morning? I need to sleep!" He shrugged before walking out. I flipped on my back and sighed, trying to sort my thoughts out. Of about three more hours of tossing and turning with no sleep I finally drifted very slowly, to darkness.

I woke to the strange smell of maple syrup, bacon, and pancakes. The boys were cooking?

I walked out to see all five boys lounging around the tv area watching some MTV show. I heard humming in the kitchen to a very familiar song by a teen boyband. "Bree?" I asked peering into the kitchen as she hummed Sunset Boulevard by Emblem Three.

"Hey, sister! What's up?" She asked casually flipping some perfect chocolate chip pancakes.

"Those look so good!" I said putting emphasis on the so. I put my finger in the side of the bowl and licked the batter, yum! "That is going to be really delicious when it's cooked!" I marveled as my mouth water and she chuckled.

"Hey, I heard your date last night didn't go to well? You came back 'a mess and totally tired'? What happened?"

"Later!" I moaned strutting out of the kitchen and to the bathroom to brush out my hair. "Boys!" I yelled when I reentered the room. "We need to work, work, work after breakfast okay? We're going straight to the studio, we'll bring Bree though so she can help."

After we ate, I called Bree and she was coming over immediately. When she arrived I had her modify their outfits a bit to make them look more natural. The boys got all posed as they had before and I started continuing on where I left off on Zayn.

By the end of the day, I had finished Zayn and started Louis's feet. I thought that Zayn looked good enough and he agreed, joyfully.

I had come back to the dorm about thirty minutes after the boys because Bree and I talked a bit. But, when I came back to the dorm, completely tired, I was surprised to see Keaton there. He had fallen asleep on the couch probably waiting for me. I noticed a paper in his hand. It read:


I'm sorry if I fell asleep here. If your reading this I probably did... Anyways, I wanted to talk to you but it was too important to just write in a note... I'm so tired. Th

I laughed assuming thy he fell asleep writing it and didn't finish. He's so sweet.... It's times like this I realize how nice he is... and how cute he looks sleeping. I smiled to myself before kissing his forehead and leaving a light lipstick mark on it.

I went to my room smiling and just fell on one of the beds. I could feel someone's body heat and that their body was near mine.

"Uh... Rosy?" I heard a deep and tired voice that I immediately recognized say.

"Zayn, I-" I started to get up but he threw an arm around me.

"Sorry, but... Could you stay for a bit so we can talk?" I laid back down with a fake sigh. "You've been acting weird lately... Is there something you want to tell me?"

I sighed for real this time, "I'm sorry... Not right now, Zayn. Maybe tomorrow we could go out for lunch though and talk then." In the darkness I could still see him smiling when he nodded. I felt myself frown when the warmth of his arm left my waist dismissing me. I wasn't done yet though. I grabbed his hand and put it back, "I still want to ask you something."

"Oh, okay." He laughed as he let his arm rest on my waist and my stomach filled with butterflies.

"Did you ever tell the boys about Perrie?" I felt his hand tense and his bright eyes stare into mine.

"I don't know how to... I'm just so confused about all of this.... I mean us, and Perrie and- oh god I said too much!" I smiled to myself.

I rubbed his arm in a hope to comfort him, "Tomorrow we can figure this out... For now, let'a just play it cool until something happens." I didn't even know if we were talking about Perrie or us anymore.

I blushed when Zayn pulled me to him, kissed my cheek and whispered, "Goodnight, Rosy," in my ear. I squeezed him quickly before getting up and going to my rightful bed.

A/N: I am sooooooooo sorry for such a late update! I was just so busy since school started! But I updated now and will try to update A LOT sooner! Love you all! Don't forget to follow me!!



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