Chapter 8

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"Rosy!" Zayn yelled entering the room without any warning. I screamed and kicked my camera down in fright.

"God, Zayn! Why did you feel the need to give me a heart attack?" I shouted picking up the camera and putting it in it's bag so he didn't see it.

"What were you doing?" He asked when he came in and saw the large bag that I was struggling to zip up.

"Nothing." I sighed shoving it into my closet. "What did you need?" I was trying to act normal but felt like I was failing. I felt slightly better though when Zayn started to look awkward and fidgeted nervously.

"You know, it's really nothing! I'll just go-"

"Zayn! You did not nearly give me a heart attack jut so you can leave! What do you want?"

He stared at the floor for a few seconds while he pondered of telling me. "The lads and I... Well, we were talking. And they got a certain detail of information out of me and said I should tell you..." I was suddenly filled with interest as I directed him to the couch and we sat. "It's about... A girl. A girl that I like. I'm just gonna say it!" He turned to face me and rushed his next words, "IlikeyouRosy!"

The news made me blush as I looked up to his eyes which were burning with curiosity as he probably wondered about my reaction. "Zayn... It kills me to say that you don't know what you're talking about." His eyebrows knitted together showing confusion. "I mean, it's just the fact that you got so used to being with Perrie that- well you don't know how to be alone. You're just looking for her replacement."

"But I want to be with you! I know I do!" He shook his head disagreeing with my idea.

"Just give it time. Don't think about it, but keep it in the back of your head. I'm still with Keaton anyways." He frowned at my last words. Why was I turning away the boy of my dreams?

He stood up heading for the door. He opened it and turned to me before he left, his eyes full of anger and sadness. "Yeah, maybe you're right. You're not that great after all."

I knew he was just upset and trying to make me upset, too, but it worked. I so badly wanted to run after him and say 'Come back, I like you too!' But I knew I couldn't.

I was about too, until Keaton entered my mind.

I woke on the couch, forgetting that I ever fell asleep. But realizing why I'd forget due to the fact I just imagined different scenarios of Zayn and I while my dreams were the same. The only difference was the fact that a blanket was laid over me now.

Almost as if on cue four of the five One Direction boys walked in, my favorite one missing.

"What did you guys do last night?" I yawned standing up and heading to fix breakfast.

"We went to a bar, Zayn drank a little much so he's kind of hungover." Niall explained his absence. "But he also told us something about a girl he fancies.. A certain Rosy!" He laughed loudly.

"Shut up Niall! You're gonna wake him!" I scolded.

"Please! He's the deepest sleeper I know!" He laughed again while I started to make some bacon. "Plus he's hungover which makes it worse." I shrugged, not knowing about that due to the fact I've never drank.

"But I do wake to the smell of bacon!" I heard Zayn say and turned to see him entering. How awkward can this be? Oh that's right, horribly dreadfully awkward.

"Wait a second!" Harry yelled, "Do you know what day it is?" Uh-oh... I was hoping they wouldn't remember.

Suddenly all of them burst out singing 'Happy Brithday' and adding 'Rosy-Bear' in the third verse.

"If you got me something I'm gonna kill you." I turned to them and they all laughed. "I'm serious!" I yelled which lead to more laughter. I sighed and turned back to the bacon and focused on making it perfect.

This day was going to be horrible.

A/N: Hello! Sorry it was so short and it took me so long! I'm just thinking about starting a new book and was working on that. Anyways, can you believe Zayn and Perrie are engaged (in real life)???? It's so amaZAYN! Lol, please follow, comment, vote, or whatever you do!

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