Chapter 2

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"One Direction?!" I screamed at Mr. Pock.

"Yes, they're coming here for two months and you need to paint them for Mr. Cowell. He wants a painting of each one of them and another of all of them." I jumped up and down in excitement.

"Your the best Mr.Pock!" I hugged him before having to wonder, "Why did you choose me?"

"Your the best artist in my class and I know that painting them would be simple. Oh and, Mr. Cowell would like a ceramic sculpture of a '1D' or 'One Direction' he's letting you choose."

I ordered my hotdog and waited for the man to bring it to me. I groaned, "I only have two months?"

"I almost forgot! He wants you to decide their wardrobe by choosing what you think is there style. So you might want to do a little interview first."

"Alright, will I be given money to buy the clothes?" I grabbed my hotdog from the man and paid him adding a little tip.

He handed me a stack of bills, "5,000 dollars, Mr. Cowell thought that you might want to choose a few outfits for the different paintings." He started to walk away but turned around to look at me. "Rosy, I know you're a fan, or a directioner, but please pretend you don't know them."

"That was the plan, sir. I thought I'd go at a 'workaholic' and a 'no-time-for-popstars' approach. I figured they'd be more comfortable if I didn't be like 'Oh my god!' 'I love you!' 'You're One Direction!'" He nodded and walked away.

I finished my hotdog and went to a vending machine, buying a Dr. Pepper.

I grabbed my drink from the bottom of the vending machine before turning around and running into the one and only Keaton. Thanks to my small height, my nose rammed into hus chin. I rubbed my nose a strange noise escaping my mouth, the same coming from his as he felt his chin. We both laughed at the similarity in our actions. "I'm such a klutz, I'm sorry!" I gasped after we stopped laughing.

"No worries, I should've been watching where I was going!" He held up his phone, letting me know that he was texting someone when he was walking. "If I didn't run into you, I would've run into the vending machine!"

I laughed again taking a sip of my Dr.Pepper. "Where were you headed?" I asked as we started walking together.

"My dorm," he pointed to a large elevator leading to the dorms.

I nodded, "Me too. Would you want to come over because I have to tell you and Britt something."

"Sure." We made small talk as we continued the walk to my dorm.

We got there in a few minutes and I knocked on the door when I couldn't find the key in my pocket. I waited about two minutes before yelling for Britt, "Hey Britt, I forgot my key!"

I heard a loud groan and muffled footsteps before Britt opened the door slightly and peeked her head out. "Do you have to come in here?" She mumbled quietly, keeping her body hidden by the door.

I tried to peek in but she made it so I could only see her head and some of the kitchen. "I need to talk to you and Keaton, I wanted to tell you guys at the same time!"

Brittany gasped, "You're pregnant? Did Keaton do it?" She assumed.

"No! No, no, no, no!" I yelled. "But I seriously need to talk to you guys. Why can't we come in?" I urged.

"Well, you just can't! Why don't you just tell us here?" Britt retorted. I nodded at Keaton signaling him to go in. He pushed open the door, being stronger than Brittany.

I froze when I saw Brittany only in her underwear and bra. I looked around the room before gasping when I saw Josh Torez, Keaton's roommate, sitting on our couch. Naked. My eyes widened when Josh put a pillow over his parts to try and cover it. I screamed and ran out the door followed by Britt who was as worried as possible.

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