Have you ever seen a young man bleed?
His bloodied guts spilled.
Punishment for bloody deeds.You still proceed
Send them off to foreign fields
To give freedom.
to those already freedBloody Greed.
But still we never learn to see
But still we never ceaseDesist.
Can't you see?
The diseased lying in the streets,
Deceased!We only see
Bloody hands and bloody deeds
But not the men sent to work
For their bloody creedsCan't you see?
Bloody lies!
That's cut and dry
Slashing ties
That send young men off to die.Throw the bloody die.
And see the cobbled streets
turn to red due to bloody dyeAs young men,
Forced fed bloody lies
Forced to die
Upon the bloody red streets they dyed.
They died.And silent prayers sent
as they say good bye.
Good bye...