(4)Their Siblings Bonds With You

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Lexi adores your relationship with Devin. She always takes videos of you two cuddling and calls you guys the cutest couple ever until Devin throws a pillow at her head. She also really appreciates how happy you make her little bro.
You and Jazzy love to go shopping together and make fun musical.lys. Sometimes Devin gets jealous when Jazzy steals you from him.

Skylar adores you. Every time he sees your face, his lights up. Anything you do makes him laugh.
Jaiden adores you as well. Every time you come over he loves to take your attention from Daniel and tell you all the stories in the world you missed when you weren't over.
Mariah and you are really close and she goes to you for opinions of anything she could think of. You also feature in her YouTube videos a lot and make Trillers with her.

Shari thinks you're really cool and loves to embarrass Kevin in front of you. She'll think of the most embarrassing stories to get Kevin mad and make you laugh.

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