Chapter Six

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 That night, we walked into Jay and Carlos' room. It was more suited to my style, darker in colors. Carlos was occupied with some sort of game, and Jay was inspecting things he had stolen. I sat down at the table in the middle of their room and flickered my attention between both of them.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked, walking over to him.

"It's called stealing." He pulled out a laptop.

"Okay... what's the point?"

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want... but it's free."

"Okay... so, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world."

"You sound just like your mom," I sighed, long eyelashes fluttering.

"Thank you," Mal smiled, looking at me.

"You do it your way," Jay sighed, throwing down the laptop, "and I'll do it mine." He walked over to where I was sitting."

"Haha! Die suckers!" Carlos shouted, making me jump. "Jay, you've gotta check this game out."

Carlos handed Jay the two sticks he's been using to control the person on the screen, and Jay lept up onto the platform. Within seconds, enemies were attacking him, and he was swinging and flailing his arms like crazy. I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid he looked as Carlos came over to me.

"Hey, Hera," he smiled.


"So, how are things with your prince?" His voice flattened.

"Carlos, I have nothing going on with Prince Jonothan! I'm just going to tell him about life on the Isle tomorrow."

Carlos sighed, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't understand why you're being so childish about this. You're acting like I can't have friends!"

"No, you can... sorry, Hera."

"It's okay, you dope."

"Guys!" Mal shouted. "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy godmother... blah, blah blah," Jay called over his shoulder. "Magic wand... blah blah blah." Everyone laughed but Mal.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" Jay paused the game, and everyone stopped to look at Mal. "To prove that we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel. Yeah?

"Yeah," we all sighed.

"Evie, mirror me," Mal ordered. Evie came and sat down next to me, pulling out her mini magic mirror that her mom had given her. Jay came over, and Carlos powered up his laptop.

"Mirror, mirror o- in my hand, where is Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?" I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous rhyme and focused on Carlos' laptop.

"There it is," Mal smiled.

"Zoom out," Carlos suggested.

"Magic mirror, not so close."

Evie's mirror zoomed all the way out to show an image of the Earth, and I laughed at its smart-alack sense of humor.

"Closer," Evie ordered. "Closer, closer!"

"Can I go back to my game now?" Carlos asked. I smacked his arm and he moved on.

"Stop!" Jay cried abruptly.

"It's in a museum," Mal informed us. "Do we know where that is?"

Carlos typed the name into a maps app, and it came up.

"2.3 miles from here," I stated. Carlos turned the laptop around to show them the map. Mal got up and opened the doors to Carlos' room, and after a brief security check, all of us exited. Well, all of us except Carlos. I guess he had turned his attention back to his game. As soon as I noticed, though, I called out to him.



He ran over and caught up, and we walked away.

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