Chapter Twenty Five

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  The carriage rode through the streets, people crowding around the path that we were to follow. Every now and then, Jon and I would smile, or wave, but ultimately, we sat with stiff backs and plastered on looks of affection. Vague sickness washed over me as I looked over all of the people, far too happy and affectionate, falling at the feet of even just the mere prince. They clearly had no idea how evil their children truly were.
"We're almost there," Jon whispered in my ear. "Just keep smiling and I'm sure the people won't notice how hard you're shaking." I looked down at my own pale hands to see them shaking as if they had their own earthquake going on inside of them.
"Oh. I guess I'm more nervous than I though." I looked into his extremely blue eyes. "I'm not even the one getting crowned."
"Hey, neither am I. I just really want things to go smoothly for my brother. He's going to be the king now, and there's this old superstition in our family that if you have a bad coronation, your reign won't be good, either."
"R-really?" Guilt and nervousness flooded over me faster than I had wanted to, and the two emotions actually made me feel nauseous.
"It's just a superstition, though. No one's really ever seen if it's happened." He looked at me and his expression dropped to that of concern. "Hera, are you all right? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."
"I'm fine. I just... want things to go well for Ben, too. I'm sure he'll make a great king, though. Auradon doesn't have anything to worry about."
"I really hope so. He got pretty shaken up on family day. Our parents blamed him for the incident with Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. It made him think he wouldn't be a good ruler for a period of time."
"Gosh... Even though I wasn't involved with the incident, I feel horrible. My friends aren't bad people. They just panicked because everyone was threatening them and telling them how horrible they were."
"People did the same thing to you, Hera, but you remained more calm than they did. You really are a good person."
I have to warn him...
"Jon, I-" Before I could explain Mal's plan to him, the carriage stopped in front of a large, beautiful, perfect, white cathedral. I inhaled deeply, almost feeling intimidated by the magnificent structure. Jon climbed out of the carriage, then extended his hand to help me down. I took it with my own trembling one and carefully stepped down. People standing around the walkway's voices went from loud yelling and cheering to a slow, quite murmur. Everyone stared at me in awe and watched as I took careful steps, my arm linked in Jon's.
"Everyone's looking at you," he whispered. "They think you're as beautiful as I know you are."
"Now that they're watching, I'm likely going to trip. Be ready to catch me soon."
"I'm sure you'll do fine."
Despite what I had thought, I never tripped, and made it to my seat in one finally relaxed piece. Mal looked over at me and smiled just the tiniest bit, as if trying to assure me everything was all right. However, there was something else behind her eyes that told me something else was holding her back from going through with the plan. Jon's parents looked at me with slight disapproval, seeing only what everyone else saw: the child of a villain who was even more evil than her parents were. Prince Ben wouldn't even glance at me. People finished filing in, and a hush fell over the room, almost as if everyone were on a schedule of when to make noise and when to not. Fairy Godmother smiled all-too-brightly as she stepped forwards. Ben's parents bid him good luck and then stepped aside so that Fairy Godmother could finish crowning Ben.
"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"
"I do solemnly swear."
"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king-" A beam shot out from behind Fairy Godmother, a pale hand attached to the shimmering wand, finally free from its case. I looked at the source of the hand and gasped.  

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