Chapter 1: Pain and Structure

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"Girl, Diamond If you don't get yo ass out that bed, I know its your last week in school but GET UP!!" I heard my mom yell at me as she pulled the covers off of me.

I got out the bed and she began to talk as I walked to go to the bathroom.

"Diamond im goin to work now so if you need anything call me ok baby I love you."

I said, "I love you too" as she skipped out the door.

Im used to my mom rushing out in the morning and not coming back until that night. She worked hard just to take care of me and help my aunt with her recovery out of rehab and her 3 kids which are my cousins. My father died a week after my birth. So she is all I got.
Anyways, I hop in the shower and do my hygeine thing. I put on some black joggers with white stars and a Chicago Bulls half shirt. I through on some red and black J's. I went in the bathroom and I put a small part on the side of my hair while it was all wild and curly. I grabbed my purse and my book bag and I through on some lipgloss and I ran to the bus.

Im at the bus stop and all I could hear was a bunch of dudes talking bout: "Wassup ma" "let me get yo number" and all that shit, they all was some fucking lames so I put on some head phones and I played my favorite song by Sean Kingston and Chris Brown called 'Beat It.'

The bus came and I was the first one in. I went to the middle of the bus and sat down. I sat by myself until my bestfriend, Tasha got on the bus. She was like the last ones to get on so I sat alone for a while.

That didn't last long cause I felt a body against me and I just knew it wasn't Tasha yet. I looked over to my left to see Tay. He like the most cutest boy in school but he kind of a player. But he always ends up to be in my face. He was cute no lie but Im not worrying bout no boys. He had a a carmel complextion and tattos all the way down his arms. It was cute, he had some deep ass dimples with a bright smile.

"Whats up bae you look cute or whatever." he chuckled

"Bae? And what you mean 'whatever', boy you know I look good." I said with attitude

"Mhm whatever, you know you want all of this, Im what you dream about baby girl." He said with a slight smile.

I laughed, "Tay you stupid"

"Man no im not, you the stupid one cause you still not my girl so....."

"I aint yo girl cause you a player."

"If you give me a chance you won't think that ma'" He said, a little serious.

"Sorry but thats all I see from ima know if you wanna be tied down?'' I questioned

"You go know when you mine" He said, kissing my cheek and getting off the bus.

I got up out my seat to see we were at school I walked off the bus and towards the school , As i walked I thought about where the fuck was Tasha ass at? I pulled out my phone and I texted her "Where you at Bestfriend, this the last week of school we basically bout to turn up." I put my phone in my pocket and I walked to my locker.



My dad smaked the fuck out of me as I fell to the floor. I got up trying to run to the door but he beat me there. He pushed me on to the ground.

"Take yo ass in that kitchen and cook me something to eat!" He yelled.

I just did as I was told cause I was tired of him leaving brusies all over my body.

Im just tired of being in this house. Its like after my mom died 3 years ago my dad been beating the shit out of me. He treats me like a house maid with no respect at all. He didn't even care that I was his daughter. He makes me cook, clean, and take care of him. He doesn't even like when I go to school casue he think I won't come back. No one knows about his abuse towards me, not even Diamond. She my bestfriend and all but what can she do? I just keep it to myself cause what if he goes to jail? I won't have a father or any family at that. I already lost my mother and I dont even know how she died.

After I cooked and cleand for him I made my way upstairs to check my phone and I had a text from Diamond saying,'Where you at Bestfriend, this the last week of school we basically bout to turn up.' I laughed to myself a little as tears ran down my cheek. I just want to be happy and be able to come home happy. I want to have someone that loves me and care for me. I know diamond loves me but I want more than that I want someone that really loves me like in the way that im their Everything.

I text Diamond back, "Bestfriend sorry I'll come tomorrow I promise." After I texted her I went into the bathroom that was inside of my room and I got in a nice long shower and I put on a big T-shirt and I crawled into the bed with an icepack on my bruised cheek where he slapped me. I layed down and fell into a deep sleep.


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Will Tasha leave her father?

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I know this short but this just the INTRODUCTION SO Get ready 4 More

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