Chapter 28:Overdose

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(Diamond Funeral outfit in MEDIA)

Diamond P.O.V

I was sitting in the hospital bed when a doctor came in the room and told me some information about what happened.

I guess Tiny called the police and they rushed me here and I was passed out due to the pills and my wrist drenched in blood.I just wanted to kill myself and I can't even do that right. 

I put my head down in shame as a life coach entered the room and I had to talk to her.

"Hello, Diamond, can you tell me whats wrong?" The white lady that I learned name was mrs.kinks.

"Nothing, Im good but can I please go I have a funeral to attend." I honestly didn't want to go but I have to, as much as I don't want to go,but I have to say goodbye to..him.

"Ma'am I need you to tell me something okay?" Mrs.Kinks got annoyed.

"No, Im good I just overreacted okay I need to go." I grabbed my stuff and put on a air of sweat pants an made my way to my car. 

It may be too late for Tay to be alive but its not to late to say goodbye.


Diamond's house


I went home and I started to prepare myself for this day, Im just not ready.

I went into my closet and I seen his clothes and mine. I just shook away my thoughts and I let some tears fall as I seen the pictures of us all over the walls. I rushed to the shower and got out quickly. 

I did my hygiene thing and I put on an all black panty and bra. I slid on a black tank top and I a black and silver blazer. I put on some back leggings with some black strapped heels. I let my hair down and be bone straight.

I put on some red lipstick and I looked down at my wrist. I had bandages all over my cuts. I looked back into the mirror when Tiny came in my room. She has been staying with me cause I can't keep my shit together as you can see.

"Are you ready?"She asked refering to going to the funeral. 

"Y-yeah, Im ready." I said wiping my tears and sliding on a pair of sunglasses.

"You sure?"She asked and I sighed.

"Y-yes,Tiny, Im ready"She smiled and I did also. 

I have to do this, for him at least.

I made my way downstairs as she was not far behind. I made it outside and I could see Tay's car. I looked closely and I seen us inside when he told me I couldn't sing and he pulled the whole car over cause I said I didn't want to kiss him.(Chapter 21)

I smiled at the memory  and got in Tiny's car.

Here goes nothing.

We arrived to the funeral and I walked down the hall as everyone got seated. There was like 50 people here and I guess since he was the only child all his family sacrificed everything to see him for the last time, and I would too shit.

I sat down in the front row with my sunglasses on and I stared at the open casket, not seeing his face. 

I listened to the preacher preach until tears rolled down my eyes when I was asked to give a speech.

The preacher handed me the microphone and I walked to the fromt of the crowd. 

'Hello, everyone...Im Diamond Mendez and I am engaged to Taylon. as you can see we are both young but he nor I didn't care, our love was more, I didn't have to be pregnant for him to propose, this was a choice...He is and was my smile, my everything...I cant tell you how much I loved that man. He taught me how to love.I honestly would have never expected this because he was a player when we met and I aint do to well with players but this boy right here, made me fall for him, I have been through soo much shit that you can not explain. We have been through so much. Im his Bonnie to my Clyde. I love him so much, I-I even tried to take my life cause I love him so much. There is no more I can s-'

 I got cut off because my tears began to shoot like bullets, I had to pull myself together though. I walked down from infront of the crowd and I walked past his open casket and I could see his beautiful skin. I didn't want to say bye just yet though I decided to stay strong now and fall out at the end.



We arrived to the grave yard after alot of driving. We were at the grave yard Corie and my father were burried. It was my idea. I put his grave right next to corie's. We all gathered around as they prepared to lower his casket.

"We would like to give the honor to Diamond to give her last good byes"The preacher said. 

This was my time to get my heart out and see his face, this is my time to let it all out.

I walked to his casket and I looked over at his body. I stared for a second as I looked from his curly hair to his carmel skin. I looked at his features and I saw his lips. I froze up as thoughts ran through my head. I began to whisper.

"Taylon, Im going to miss you so much and I love you so much, Please watch over me okay, I promise not to take off this here ring okay?" I leaned down and I layed a peak on his now hard and dead lips. I let a tear fall before I made my way back to the group as they lowered his body into the ground. 

I walked away as everyone start crying.. I just began to scream and yell, not caring who saw me. I am hurt I need him I really, really do!!!





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