Shopping (Ruki x Reader)

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"Noooooo," you whined. "Ruki, please, anything but that!"

Ruki shook his head seriously. "I'm sorry, love, but your wardrobe is appalling!" He gestured to your side of the cupboard, which had a bunch of old t-shirts and jeans, little more. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, had all his clothes neatly arranged and each piece was unique.

Seriously, you wondered if you were the only girl whose boyfriend had a better sense of fashion than her.

"We're going shopping!" Ruki said happily. 

You groaned; you hated, loathed, despised shopping for clothes more than anything else. You were the more bookish type, quite content to wear an old sweater and faded leggings every day. Ruki was the only reason you dressed decently for work.

"It's just for a couple of hours," he told you. "It won't be very long. And I'll treat you to lunch after we're done."

"Fine, but only because it's you."

*  *  *  *

At the mall, Ruki knew exactly where he wanted to take you to buy clothes. After five minutes in the first store, he thrust a bundle of clothes into your arms. "Go and try them," he ordered.

"Okay," you mumbled, slinking into the trial room. He'd just given you some t-shirts, so they didn't take very long to wear. Ruki insisted on you showing him every single one. He didn't say much, but after you'd finished trying them all (eight of them, to be exact), he selected five, and put back the rest.

The second store specialized in jeans. You had to try on several pairs before Ruki approved of even one. You didn't bother offering an opinion, because you had no idea what were good clothes and what weren't.

In the third store, you saw a comfy-looking blue jacket. "Ruki, can I get that one? Pleeease?" You begged.

Your boyfriend's eyes softened. "Sure, go ahead," he said, happy that you were taking the initiative for once. You'd rarely asked him for anything, so on the few occasions you did, he was happy to oblige.

While you pulled out a jacket of your size, Ruki saw a beautiful headband that he thought would look nice on you. "Hey, (Y/N), come here for a sec," he called out.

You walked over, clinging to the jacket. Ruki gently put the headband over your ears and adjusted it. "There we go."

"What is it? What did you put on my head?"

He smiled lovingly at your innocence. "I'll show you when we get back home."

You pouted. "Food first."

"Definitely." thought. May be clothes shopping isn't so bad when it's with the man you love.

By sheer coincidence, this story is going up on Chibi-san's birthday! Enjoy!

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