Lonely Heart (Uruha x Reader)

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You know how lovers keep saying they don't deserve each other, because the other person is so amazing? Well, that was what happened to you. Not just because you loved him a lot, and that he was a wonderful person, but also because you genuinely felt you were not good enough for him.

He was a famous guitarist, skilled, and very kind-hearted. You, on the other hand, felt like nothing compared to him.

Ever since you were a child, you'd suffered from self-esteem issues, and had even been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. As you grew older, you tried hiding from society as much as possible...but then you met him, and somehow, things got better.

Uruha had first seen you at a live of another band. That was one of the few times you'd actually enjoyed yourself. He'd noticed you getting nervous as people left in crowds, and thoughtfully invited you for a coffee, so that you wouldn't feel awkward and alone leaving. One thing led to another, and you somehow became good friends. You felt like you could trust him, which was rare for you.

About a year or two after you met, he finally got the courage to ask you out. It was difficult, considering your anxiety, but you said yes.

A couple of years later, you moved in with him on his suggestion, so that he could help you with your issues. And it actually worked. With the exception of the occassional bad day, his presence seemed to make things better.

Unfortunately, while he was on tour once, you relapsed...

"I'm home," Uruha called out. It had been two months since he'd seen you in person.

"Welcome back," you replied out of habit, happy to see him again. You had no idea about your relapse, but thought it was just a bad phase that you'd get over soon.

"How was the tour?" You asked him, helping him with his bags.

"It was amazing! I'd love for you to come with me sometime. I know you'd enjoy it too!"

You shook your head. Maybe someday...

That night, he fell asleep with you curled up on top of him. One of his hands was around your waist, while the other was halfway through your hair.

For some reason, you couldn't sleep. You felt like you were bothering him, holding him back from his goals.

I know it was his idea for me to live with him...but have I really improved like he said? Or is he just saying that to make me feel better?

After a night of restlessness and a fitful sleep, you quietly slipped out of bed early in the morning. You were thinking of moving out.

Careful not to wake him, you dressed yourself, and left a note saying: I need some time to think.
I'm sorry for being such a burden.

You felt numb and emotionless as you walked through the dimly lit streets. It wasn't even dawn yet.

You sat down on a bench, feeling lonely. Your heart wanted nothing more than to run back to the apartment, and lose yourself in Uruha's arms. But your brain kept telling you that you weren't good enough for him, that it would be better to leave, and survive on your own.

As the rain began to fall, it mixed itself with the tears that flowed down your cheeks. You cried quietly and shivered in the cold, wet weather.

Over the noise of the rain, you could hear someone calling your name.

At first, you thought it was just your imagination. But the voice got louder and louder, till Uruha himself stood in front of you.

"Don't just run away like that again!" He said. "Do you know how worried I was when I saw your note?"

He was dripping wet, and had hastily pulled on the clothes he'd worn the previous day, not even bothering to get an umbrella.

Kneeling down till the two of you were level, he gently wiped away your tears, and kissed your forehead. "You're not a burden," he said softly. "You never will be."

"B-but I t-thought I-I was h-holding you b-back because of m-my problems," you sobbed. "I d-don't deserve y-you, Uruha. I'm s-still the s-same as before."

"Of course not! You've started smiling more, and become a lot more confident over the years. You got a new, better job last year, and that was because you've worked so hard!"

You were still crying, unable to remove the demons in your head.

Finally, at a loss for what to do, Uruha cupped your face in his hands and gave you a long kiss.

His soft lips pressing against yours made you forget everything else. You shyly kissed him back, as he deepened the kiss.

When you two finally broke apart, he smiled and said,"As someone who loves you the most, I know what I'm talking about. I'll always be there to support you, and I can see you growing every day. Will you trust me?"

You nodded. It was going to be difficult, but he loved you, and you loved him back, and could always count on his support and care.

As the rain stopped, Uruha removed his jacket and wrapped it around you. "Let's go home," he suggested. "You're soaking wet."

He helped you off the bench, and held you tight as both of you walked back home.

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