CHAPTER:15 i guess we are

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*a month later* *6:00am*

Me and Britney was the only ones awake "do I look fat" I said to Britney while grabbing my stomach "no you don't your probably bloated" Britney said and I nodded

"No cause I haven't got my *whispers* period still" and Britney then nodded "yeah that is true and usually we get are periods the same day or week" I then looked in the back of my mind "Brit remember Ashley's Birthday"

She nodded and then her eyes widen with shock "no we can't be" I nodded "maybe explain the throw up and the bloating" and she just couldn't speak "no no no I can't tell Ashley that I'm pregnant" Britney said

"I know but how am I going to tell Andy ,JINXX" I said and started to cry "tell Andy and Ashley and Jinxx what" cc said I just froze still crying "that...that" Britney said and I think cc and Jake caught on "should we get some you know" me and Britney nodded

*after they leave*

I stopped crying and washed up "how do I look" I said and Britney said "you look perff" and we started to laugh "hopefully they get here soon" Britney whispered to me and I nodded

"Hey where Jake and cc" I heard Ashley say "oh you know getting us some things" and Andy looked at me "like what" Ashely said "" I said and Britney said "some pads you know girl problems" I nodded

Then Andy looked at me with some confusion "um Lexie can we talk" Andy said and I got up and we went to the back of the bunk "I know they didn't get pass what are they really getting" Andy said being dead straight with me

"I...I can't tell you Andy" I said and he just sighed "you can tell me" Andy said and I just started to cry then Andy hugged me "don't worry shh shh you can feel me I won't be mad" Andy said cooeing me and smoothing my hair down

"I...I think I'm *whispers* pregnant" I said and Andy said "really?" I looked at him and said "yeah Andy you don't believe me"he nodded his head no and I just walked out of the back

He grabbed my hand and I said "LET FO OF ME ANDY YOU DONT BELIEVE ME" and I ran out of the bus to who knows where

(Andy's POV)
After Lexie left I ran a hand through my hair "fuck" I said and Britney said "what did you do" I looked at her and said "she told me the truth and I said really and then she ran out"

She looked at me and said "what Andy you should know better to fight with her you know how she gets...I knew you where bad news" then she ran out of the bus trying to find Lexie

I sat down and said "did she tell you" and Ashley nodded "yeah she did but I didn't say anything about it I'm not that stupid" I then sighed and said "should I go find her" and Ashley looked at me And said "yeah Andy your fucked up this time"

I nodded and went to go find her

Ashley's right I did fuck up this time I don't know if she'll even want to be or seen with me


A/N: I know it's short again but I like how it gives you a cliff hanger haha I'm evil 😈😈😈 britneybrat2000

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