CHAPTER 32: Telling andy

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A/N: you will get why i put the song ribcage when you get close to the end XD

As i woke up i saw that i was the only one awake. I shrugged my shoulders and went out side, as i sighed and took out one of andys cigs "i know this isn't good for the baby" i said as i went to go light it up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" i heard andy say coming towards me, i threw the cigarrte and said "nothing andy nothing". He looked at me and held onto my shoulders "You only stress smoke whats wrong"

I shook my head and tried not to cry, "a...andy if i...i tell would think lying" i stuttered out holding onto him. He started smoothing down my hair and said "tell me whats wrong, i wont think your lying".

I looked at him as he wiped away one of my tears, "vic and me dated along time ago and when i broke up with him for cheating he...he beat me up" andy looked at me and hugged me close.

"Is that why you didnt want to go to the party and when he kissed you" andy said to me in the calmest voice he could. I nodded my head and said "he told me that you just love me because im having your baby"

Now i could tell andy was mad "wait he said that" all i could do was nod. He huffed and said "just wait intill he gets up" i nodded and said "andy lets go back inside please"

Andy nodded and we both went inside, "im gunna go take a shower" i said to andy that was getting something out of the fridge. He nodded and said "okay"

*skipping a couple mintues*

As i was getting undress still in my underwear i heard andy come in the bathroom. "Andy! Get out" i kinda whispered yelled cause the guys and britney was still sleeping. He smirked and said "what its not like i haven't seen you naked before"

I blushed and said "andy we can do this another time...when i dont have a baby in me" he laughed then kissed me saying "okay, i'll see you when you get out". As he walked out i took off my panties and took a shower

*skipping shower*

As i was trying to put on my bra i heard britney, so i called to her. As she came in she said "bra prombles", i nodded my head and she helped me put my bra on. "Thanks" i said

She nodded and said "anytime, just dont wear a v-neck because andy will be drooling". I laughed and nodded as she went back to the living area.

Britney's POV

As i was walking out of the bathroom i heard andy talking on the phone. He sounded pissed off, i wonder if lexie told him. So me being me i kinda listened in.

(A: Andy V: Vic)

A: Vic you told my girlfriend that i only love her cause shes having my baby

V: yeah i did so what okay, i had that bitch first


V: what she is andy i wonder if that kids even yours

I heard andy stomp his foot and try not to yell saying

A: is mine okay shes only been with me so if you want to fucking fight i'll fight

V: deal after warped tour today near the "spot"

*end of convo*

Has andy sat down on the bunk i came into the bunk area, " something wrong" i said sitting next to him on the bunk. He shook his head as he put his head in his hands. "Im so stupid...i cant fight him he'll just bring his buddies"

As andy said that i put my hand on his shoulder and said "andy, you know what you need to do". He nodded his head and got up

andy's pov

As i got out of the bunk area i went to go to the "spot", but i got stopped by lexie. "hey baby, i'll be right back". She nodded her head and kissed me before i left. As i was walking to the spot i felt like i was letting lexie down, but at the same time i couldn't help but want to bash his face in.

*skipping to the spot*

As i was waiting for Vic to come to the spot i was thinking of how lexie and my baby will be either happier with or without me, but i push that aside.

*skipping to when vics there*

As vic was standing there, he started to run right at me. I dodge him and he ran right into the tree that was behind me. "I TOLD YOU I WOULD FUCKING FIGHT" i said getting on top of him.

As i was hitting him in the face, he head butted me. When i got off of him he got up and spit. Then he grabbed a rock and started to smash my ribs, that were already broken once.

I groaned in pain but i couldnt let him win. I punched him in the gut and he got off of me. I grabbed the rock that he was hitting me with, then i hit him on the head, Witch knocked him out.

After that i got up the best i could, but failed as i groaned in pain holding my ribs. I spit out some blood and wipped my mouth, "fucker" i said walking back to the bus. Trying the best not to breathe the wrong way

*skipping to the bus*

As i got to the bus i tried the best to open the door like nothing happened. But i screamed in pain, drawing all the attetion to me.

I heard Lexie gasped and come torwards me, "ANDY WHAT DID YOU DO" lexie said hold my face. I looked at her and said "nothing just tripped". She stopped holding me and said "ANDY THIS IS NOT BY FUCKING TRIPPING", She started to tear up.

I went to go say something, but she just shhed me and said "andy, how could...could you". Then she walked away to the bunk area, "come here andy ill get you fixed up" ash said to me.

I sighed and sat down while ash fixed me up. When he was rapping my ribs he pushed to hard and i screamed, then i heard lexie crying. "Ash hurry up" i said trying to make ash hurry up.

When ash was done with me i walked in to the bunk area seeing lexie crying in to the pillow. I sat down on the bunk and said "lexie what's wrong", i went to go rub her back but she moved.

"Nothing andy, nothing" she said sitting up, wipping away her tears. "No somethings wrong if your crying" i said as i put my arm around her, She sighed as she went to go say something.

"Andy why would you do that, over me...a pregant loser who doesn't desever you" as she said that she started to cry even more. I smoothed down her hair as i said "dont say that, i love you".

She looked at me and said "andy, i...i love you to but...why would you hurt your body". I laughed and said "cause...i guess it was my time to leave warped with you and the guys".

She nodded her head and snuggled close to me, being careful for my ribs. I started to sing mortains daughter to lexie falling asleep myself.

A/N: Okie XD now do you get it lol and i hope you like this or love it britneybrat2000 i really do 😜😜😜😝😝

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