Untitled Part 14

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'Dear Pete, 

I finally got a job at an editing company! Yeay! I thought you should be the first to know, but Rose beat you to it. As usual. How are you? Every passing day makes me feel like I have yearned for you for years and the emotions build up stronger each time. I try to convince myself that one day, I will meet you. I tell myself you are away for a long, long trip but reality slaps me hard and I am here again, back to square one, knowing you will never be back. Death really did us apart. I miss you showering with the door open, I miss you leaving the toilet lid up even though I got frustrated a lot, I miss you booming The Beatles on the sound system early in the morning and singing Kodaline songs to me at night. I miss you making a mess everywhere just to make an easy piece of Nutella sandwich. Your clumsiness knew no bounds, but so did your love. You took me to the far stretches of love, only to catapult me back to square one of nothing when you left me suddenly. I wish there was a manual on how to recover from this, not that it would help, but I honestly have no idea what to do every morning when I wake up. We used to cuddle and kiss first thing in the morning, so what should I do now that you are gone? We used to fight over who filled the bathtub up while the other prepared breakfast. Most of the times you'd lose, and we would end up having burned toasts and salty omelettes. But I would kiss you for that. What I would do to have the taste of them again. My heart aches as I write this; I've never thought I would reach this point in life, I never thought it would happen to me but it did. Now that I think of it, it's amazing how much tears a body can produce. Haha. I miss you every single day and every single minute. I hope you are happy wherever you are. I miss you. And I love you dearly, always. 

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