Character Ask

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So, here it is.



After this experience, do you think you will have more kids with Ashton in the future?

yes, definitely. Ethan may not have been planned and he may have shaken up some of Ashton and I's plans,  but kids are definitely something I want more of in the future.

Do you ever regret going to Michaels New Year's Eve party?

Not really. It was definitely very fun, I guess I would say I do regret in some ways not having a condom with me. I love Ethan but if I were to tell you my original life plans, they wouldn't involve children for at least another five years.

Do you think your dad will ever make an appearance in this story?

I sure hope not. That man is horrible and I really do not need him in my life causing trouble for me or my family.

Do you see a future for you and Ashton?

Definitely. We may have only been apart of each others life for nine moths so far but I do indeed see many more years, decades actually, of so called 'Lashton'.

Is Jack ever going to come back?

Maybe, I don't know. I mean, he may come to visit at Christmas but apart from that I doubt he will really make many more appearances.

What would have been your absolute dream career if Ethan hadn't been born?

Uhhhh... probably something to do with music. I love singing and playing my guitar so maybe something to do with that.

How will you react if Ethan tells you he is gay in the future?

I won't have a problem with it. I mean, how could I? I am gay, I am not going to judge someone, especially not my son, if they are too.

Do you ever worry that you are going to turn out like your dad?

No, not really. I know that I am definitely going to be completely different. I am definitely going to make sure of it. Like I said, my father is a horrible man and I don't wish the way he treated me on anyone else.

 Do you worry about Ashton relapsing again at all?

Sometimes, I doubt he will since he has been getting help but of course when he has bad days the thought and worry is still definitely there.

Did you have any idea Ethan was going to be born so early?

Not really. The doctor had told me that with male pregnancy, babies tend to be born slightly prematurely but they meant a maximum of like two weeks. Not six months. And for the Pre-eclampsia, that tends to go unnoticed until a check up or symptoms progress like mine did.

If you hadn't called him Ethan, what would you have called him?

Ooh, I know the answer to this. Probably either Spencer or Fraser.

Do you think that there is much drama headed your way?

I sure hope not. The last year and a bit have been so dramatic and stressful and I really don't need that anymore.

Do you like Calum and Michael?

Yes, they are very nice guys and they have good taste in music.

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