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"calum, it's freezing out there! get in here!" calum's mother called out from the back porch step.

"no," the young boy replied bluntly, "there's gonna be a meteor shower." he said continuing to watch the star filled sky intently, also tugging on his small blanket in attempt to cover his cold feet.

"fine then," she spoke carelessly, rolling her eyes in the process as she shut the door.

"why is it so cold." the small boy mumbled to himself as he continued to tug on his blanket, attempting to create more warmth.

soon the boy grew impatient as the sky stayed still and he had not seen anything at all so far.

more time went by and the kiwi boy decided to give up; it was cold and he had school tomorrow, he couldn't wait for a silly meteor shower when he'll experience more in the future.

calum picked up his two blankets and started to head inside. but just as he made it to the cemented porch, in the corner of his eye he saw a bright light erupt from the sky making him spin around towards the direction the light came from.

"it's happening!" he spoke out loud and ran back to his previous spot in the grass.

the whole atmosphere was magical; how the stars and moon lit the entire area, how you could hear nothing but the sound of leaves being tossed around by the soft breeze.

then suddenly another shooting star ran across the sky, which quickly caused the young boy to close his eyes and make a wish; change.

the boy was always eager for change, a spark; something different instead of the same old slow days that would continuously repeat themselves.

once he opened his eyes he was instantly blinded by a bright light coming from the sky, it looked like a huge meteor was coming straight for him from the sky. "oh my god, it's the dinosaurs all over again!"

his body fell into a fetal position in fear and starting panicking. when he finally opened his eyes and looked around the bright light was gone, nowhere to be seen.

or so he thought.

a loud almost explosion-like noise was heard to his left. his head snapped in the direction gasping when he saw an extremely bright light begin to die down in the woods.

and of course; out of curiosity calum made the decision to go to the woods, to see what he began to believe was a fallen star.

he quietly went into his house and grabbed the thickest coat he could find along with a pair of shoes. then he was off into the woods.

but what he could never ever expect to see was a young boy, that looked slightly older than himself to be lying in the middle of a crater wearing nothing but a long, silky white, dress-like robe,

but the thing that stood out most was his galaxy colored hair.


story information:

i guess u could say alien!michael but that rly isnt the case here

[if there is] any triggering material will have a warning.

all smut scenes will be sandwiched between "***" so you can easily skip through if needed.

and thats about it my friends :-)


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