Chapter 6

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Sonya starts to nod her head but then stops and shakes it, letting her hair cover her face. Coley's hand twitches, briefly hesitating, she remembers many times before, always having to hold back. Right now she wants nothing more than to to brush Sonya's hair back to uncover her pretty face.

It's almost unfair just how pretty she is. It's understandable, everything when it came to Sonya was effortlessly beautiful. She was perfect even when she was broken and crying.

It always hurt, like some stitches coming undone in Coley's chest, watching her cry.

There were past moments like this where Sonya caved that in some twisted way Coley craved. (When they'd drink during their endless sleepovers and she'd talk about her parent's; how they gave her everything she needed except for their time. When she got sick with the flu and her mom wasn't home to look after her and Coley stayed with her for days and made sure she ate and took her medications.)

Coley's the only one who ever gets to see her like this,-that Sonya chose to be the one to open up to. Selfishly, she feels affirmation when Sonya lets her in, like she is needed. That she's special to her. Its the only time when Sonya ever fully relinquishes control, similarly it's where Coley allows her natural instinct to peek out, to soothe, to worship and where she can treat Sonya like something precious and fragile. It's overwhelming how much she wants to pet at her, claim her, keep her close always.

Her wants and needs never used to match up to her reality, over the years she's gotten good at curbing whatever desires, and impulses she had towards her best friend.

And now Coley can't seem to move, even just to touch her, even now that she's allowed to.

It's always been scary the ginorimity of her love for her. Too much to loose, to expose, yet to big to keep locked away.

How each each interaction between them, all the hugs, and stares, seemed to matter. Now that it's out in the open, how real, how much it all meant-it all means, Coley can't make up her mind how to proceed.

Sonya's always been the naturally impulsive one, the brave one.


Except for earlier today when Coley saw white when Trenton yelled at Sonya, setting something off in her, the trigger; seeing Sonya so helpless, resigned, numb. She was frozen in fear, meek and submissive. It was so jarring, so wrong-the image contrasting with everything she knew and loved about Sonya; her spunk, her confidence, her life.

She remembers Sonya becoming less, pieces of her getting chipped away the more she hung out with him. Watching her eyes lose that sparkle, watching or hearing her echo his opinions, losing her own. She remembers vividly bruises across the expanse of Sonya's skin when she claimed Trenton had just gotten carried away.

Carried away my ass. She would't let him believe he could get away with his treatment of her any longer.

She didn't care that her head was throbbing like it was about to burst, or that her lip was stinging. Or even that he was twice her size. She saw him screaming at her, saw his hands start to move, to grab hold or to shake her, she doesn't know. She's moving, before she knows it she's half tackled him down, feeling adrenaline and something ugly take over. She knew at that moment she loathed him with every fiber of her very being.

For all her mastery of control, of playing it safe, she sure can get carried away. Carried away after she hit him over, and over again, wanting to hurt him so he could never again hurt her-hurt them.

Then after when Sonya pulled her up and he lay forgotten, moaning pathetically on the ground. Coley feels almost guilty enough till Sonya's touching her, her eyes alive and alight once again, full of love.

Pain takes a backseat when Sonya kisses her like she's-like they've both-been waiting for her forever to do so.

Everything about it felt inevitable.

Hours later Coley regains a bit of that feeling, she nods her head as if to gain courage, taking a chance she pushes brown hair and carefully tucks it behind a tiny ear, lets her hand linger, her thumb strokes away tears that gather and pool around her eyes; though she can't seem to look directly into Sonya's eyes, she'd lose what nerve she had left.

She slowly follows a trail, mapping across her face. Coley softly wipes away streaks coating cheeks, then a pretty nose (She feels Sonya's breathing picking up) then she almost hesitates- lips with a extra gentle hand.

The warm breathy sigh that escapes Sonya's lips sounds relieved. Coley's eyes can't help jumping to Sonya's then, and that too quick glance is all she needs to be propelled forward; the distance between them seeming almost too much.

Her lips follow after. The pain is worth it when Coley presses her own softly, purposely against Sonya's. The desperate, shaky gasp that follows after, reaches her somewhere deep in the recesses of her soul, alighting her very being, making her come undone.

She gets carried away, wanting to hear more of the addicting sound coming from Sonya's mouth. She presses harder when she licks into Sonya's lips asking for entrance and later to her wet, warm mouth finding her tongue. Her hands find the bit of heated skin exposed just under her shirt and wanting to feel more, they're soon finding the hem of the loose shirt and lifting it up.


AN: Yeah. Sorry had to put a halt to the action over worries next chap's gonna be so sweet you'll get cavities. Better book a dentist appointment just in case.

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