Law x Reader x Kid - Family

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"Cheers to family!"

You smiled darkly as you clinked your cup with the gentlemen's (and Bonney) and slowly lifted it to your lips. Two, blue eyes stared back at you as you did, the owner wore a devilish smirk almost akin to yours.

Bonney's narrowed her eyes as she looked betwixt you and Trafalgar Law; she knew something was brewing between you two. You simply gave her the slightest bit of head tilt–Bonney was your friend, you wanted her to be aware that something was indeed going on.

You felt your blue dress being tugged, specifically the lower back part, and you grimly looked to your fiancé.

"Lord Eustass, please," you say, hissing slightly.

He simply give you a dashing sneer, so malicious it was nearly innocent. Though the way his ombre eyes burned into you made you shudder. He was a predator when there was something he wanted.

"My Lord," Law said, placing his wine glass on the table. He bowed before you two as Kid's chin shifted up in superiority.

"My dear [name]," Eustass said huskily, purring into your ear. "Have you no intention of introducing us?"

You looked back at him with an frown, as his hand wrapped around your waist tightly. "Yes, this is Trafalgar Law of the Dressrosa Kingdom."

"Royalty?" Kid lifted an eyebrow and inspected the lad, not seeing any fashion that stated so.

Your eyes flickered to Law, as you both knew the answer to that question.

"Partially," Law said, sending a small smile. "I have matters to do here first, however, and then my position will matter."

You nodded in agreement. You caught Law staring at you, watching the way your marvelous blue dress hung on your shoulders, and how your collarbone stuck out in the slightest, revealing the most beautiful skin he'd thought he'd ever laid eyes on.

"And those matters are?"

You narrowed your eyes, Kid was at it again. Being prissy and preying on your guests until they had no soul, that was his routine.

"Those matters are confidential, if not anything," Law said. Your eyes widened–was he seriously talking to a lord like that?

You heard Bonney's snicker however, and your eyes brightened, realizing, it was perhaps a little funny.

"Bonney," Kid said, motioning for the girl to come over, "Come, give Trafalgar the company of a fair lady."

Law smirked, "If it's alright, I refuse you politely, I have a fairer lady in mind to keep me company and such."

Now if this were any other girl, they'd feel degraded, defeated, shamed, but it was Bonney, so she just shrugged, and sat back down, too lazy to tell those men that she hadn't been interested in a man in her entire life of being a lesbian.

"And what women is that?" Kid growled. You hoped he wasn't letting onto what Law was saying.

But the way Law looked at you–those dashing eyes–how couldn't Eustass know? Trafalgar Law of Dressrosa was unavoidably attractive; anyone would have trouble when he came lurking for your partner.

"Tea?" one of the servants offered. Eustass nodded, eyeing Law with disdain. He no longer needed an answer. Law was aiming for you, no doubt of that.

"Madam Eustass, tea?" the waiter addressed. You took a minute or two to realize the man was talking of you.

You felt a warm hand on your shoulder, so comforting it surprised you. "I'll have none, thank you. Thank you for using my new–"

"Princess," Eustass interrupted, grabbing your hand and kissing it. You blushed. "She'll be addressed as Princess. We're not married yet, and I want her title to mean something when we are."

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