How you Meet (Guys)

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Damon: You heard about the death of your Aunt Jenna. Living in California big news like this doesn't get all the way across the country. So you finally made it back to the one place you dread Mystic Falls.
You were Elena Gilbert's big sister. And when your parents put you and your literal baby sister up for adoption you went to California to live with your grandma.
So now your walking into the Mystic Grill being 22 drinking isn't a problem. You sit at the bar and order vodka with a cranberry juice chaser. When a guy with raven black hair sits next to you.
"Day drinker too huh?" He said.
"Yup." You said popping the "p". He faces you, you're met with the most beautiful pair of light powder blue eyes.
"I'm Damon." He said with a smirk.
"Y/N." You said with a smile.
"Well Damon see you around I got a little sister to reunite with."
Stefan: Your new to Mystic Falls. Also its your first day of high school. Your starting mid-day and your starting in history. You walk in to Mr. Saltzman's classroom.
"You must be the new student!" He said half enthusiastically. "Why don't you introduce yourself then take a seat by Mr. Salvatore, Stefan raise your hand."
You see a very attractive guy raise his hand. Then I introduce myself. " Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N." You said very blankly.
Now You very happily take a next to Stefan. "Hi I'm Stefan Salvatore." He whispers in my ear.
"I'm Y/N." You whisper back. "Do you mind if i see your schedule so I know what classes we have together?" He smiled kindly at you.
'My god he had a smile that melted my heart' you thought to yourself. "Yeah of course." You smiled back at him.
Matt: You've known him since you were kids.
Jeremy: You were Matt Donovan's little sister.- by one year - You just moved to Mystic Falls a little over 3 weeks ago before you lived in Nevada. You moved here after Vicky died.
Your going to meet some of your brothers friends at the Mystic Grill. You walk in to be greeted by plenty of people.
You already know a few of their names; Elena,Stefan,Damon,Bonnie and Alaric. That's when a super cute guy comes to greet you. "Hi I'm Jeremy" He said and smiles. "Y/N" you said and blushed.

Hey so ik that Matt's is really really short but....I have so much more planed out I'll get pt.2 for the guys done and then the girls

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