Valentines Day (Girls) pt.3

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Elena: Elena wasn't comfortable going out as a couple. So you guys stayed inside, since she didn't want to go out. You guys had a Disney movie marathon. You both cuddled all day while eating heart shaped pizza.
(You can actually order this from pizza hut on valentines day.)
Caroline: You guys had a Valentines Day Party! All of your friends came, and you guys had so much fun. You did everything from karaoke to jello shots. It was amazing.
Bonnie: Unfortunately, on Valentines Day a load of witches were passing through her, being the anchor and all. So you made her some tea and rubbed her back until it was over.
Rebekah: You and Elijah undagged her. You fed her blood and when she woke up she attacked you, with affection! She missed you so much and you missed her just the same! You guys had dinner and when you got home you showed her just how much you missed her...

Posting this today bc either for you Saturday is Valentines Day or Sunday is. For me it's Sunday. Also my brothers bday is on Valentines Day so I'll be going to his party bc I'm single.

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