He Cheats pt.1

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Damon: He was distant recently. One day when you went out for lunch with Jeremy. It ended earlier than expected. So you drop him off and head over to Damon's. You hadn't seen him all day. You unlocked the door and began to walk upstairs. You heard moaning and thought it was probably Stefan and Elena. You walked to Damon's room, the moans getting loader. You opened the door fearing the worst, and that's exactly what you got. You seen Damon nailing Katherine into your shared bed. He looked like he was enjoying it too! You broke a leg off of the table in the hallway, walked back to the room. You went inside and it wasn't until Katherine screamed when she seen you Damon finally noticed. When he turned around you shoved the wood in to his abdomen, looked him in the eye, slapped him, and screamed "We're over! I hate you! I can't believe you would do this to me!". Then you stormed out without another word.
Stefan: Stefan turned off his humanity. He was back to being a ripper. Worst part was he refused to see you. You knew it was because you would switch him back. But it still hurt you. One day, you couldn't take it anymore. You went to the Salvatore boarding house, looking for Stefan. But instead you found something much worse. Sure it was Stefan but he was fucking Elena! You knew she didn't like you but this was just a bitch move. You started crying, a soft whimper falling from your lips. Stefan heard you thanks to vamp hearing. He turned around an saw the tears in your eyes. You ran out the front door, but little did you know. In that moment, the pain in your eyes, caused Stefan to turn the switch back on.
Matt: Two words. One girl. Rebeckah Mikaelson. You knew ever since her and her brothers came to Mystic Falls she was trouble. You knew that she had eyes for him. But you also knew he wouldn't cheat on you. Then again Matt was human. Rebekah could rip off his vervain bracelet at any time and compel him to sleep with her. That's exactly what happened. Matt had kept the grille open after hours for a special dinner he planned for the two of you. You did your hair and makeup. But when you walked in you saw Rebeckah riding Matt into the sun set! He didn't even acknowledge your presents. Just kept sucking on her neck. You knew he couldn't control it. But it still hurt. With tears in your eyes and a broken heart you left the grille.
Jeremy: You and your sister never got along. To be blunt you hated each other. But what she did to you this time made you want to slit her throat with a hunting knife then watch her bleed out in the floor. You knew she sold weed to Jere. Well used to. Until you came along and made him a better person. But one day you went over to the Gilberts house after school like usual. You were a little late because you got detention. But when you walked through the door you saw clothes scattered. You thought it was Elena and Stefan and called it off. But when you opened Jeremy's door and saw him banging your sister. You screamed, he jumped off and tried to run after you. But instead you threw a vase at him and ran out of the house.

AHHHH! Hi guys! Its Ana! I'm so sorry I haven't updated!😭 but I intend to go back to Tuesday and Thursday updates! Yayy! Also I'm going on a 6 hr dive to nor cal soon so I'll have writing time! I love y'all!

Bye KrazyKats!
~ Queen Kat (Ana)

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