Your Beatles Song (Guys) pt.1

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This was inspired by Mythowhisp Hope you don't mind! Anything in normal font is what the song means and italic is the lyrics themselves.

Damon: Oh! Darling.
With his history of women, you were afraid he would leave you.

Stefan: Ain't She Sweet.
Stefan thought you were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. This song represents that perfectly.

Matt: I Want to Hold Your Hand
You guys are best friends. He was afraid you didn't love him the way he loves you. After Vicky died you were the only thing that could make him happy.

Jeremy: Here Comes The Sun
To Jere your his Sun. He loves you. Your the light of his life. His world revolves around you. He was so lost without you. The sex the drugs etc..

Just something to hold you off until the next big chapter.

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