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   Walking home in the dark and rainy streets of England was not how I pictured my life when I was younger; I had wanted to be a photographer since I could remember, and here I was, living my childhood dream, but I had thought there would be more. I had dreamt of grand adventures, and people who would sweep me off my feet, but in reality, life is just exhausting days, long nights and dates that don't call you back.

It was a twenty minute walk to my home from work. Usually I could make it out of there before dark or carpool with my best friend, Leigh-Anne who also works at Edwards Photography, but today there was too many people, so I couldn't leave early, and it was Leigh's day off.

    I sighed in relief as I climbed up the front stairs to my household. My home was always a relaxing place for me. I lived alone, and it was comforting to be away from people if only for a little bit each day. As I walked in the door, I released my wet hair from my pony tail. My footsteps could be heard with each step I took in my empty house.

I grabbed a banana from the kitchen and then sat down on the couch in my living room. I opened the book that was sitting on the table next to me and began reading. Books were one of my many escapes from life. If I couldn't have grand adventures and people to sweep me off my feet then I might as well read about people who can have that.

   I was so lost in my book that I almost didn't notice my phone ringing. The screen read "Leigh-Anne". I closed my book and answered the phone. It was then I noticed the rain outside picking up as thunder boomed.

   "Hey, Perrie!" Leigh-Anne exclaimed.

    "Hi, Leigh," I chuckled and wondered why she sounded so excited.

    "Did you miss me today? I missed you! Having work off is fun. I wish I could do this all the time!" she rambled, and half her words slurred together. I chuckled realizing that she was drunk.

    "I definitely missed you, Leigh," I giggled.

    "How could anyone not miss me?" She laughed. "Anyway, I called to ask you how your date went with-" she paused. "oh what was his name? Tim?"

   "His name is Thomas. That date was two weeks ago, and I already have told you how it went," I said. I found amusement in her intoxicated state.

    "Remind me?" she asked.

    "I thought we had hit it off and had a great time, but he hasn't called or texted me since," I sighed.

    "Oh! Perrie, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed.

    "Leigh how many drinks have you had?" I asked.

     "Only one! Wait no I think five," she laughed.

"Do you need a ride to your house?" I asked.

"No, there's a nice guy here who says he will take me home!" she laughed. "Say hi!" I heard her say before a male voice greeted me. I didn't respond, but I didn't have time to before Leigh's voice returned. "His name is Harry!"

"Leigh-Anne, do not get into a car with him tonight. Okay? I will come and pick you up,"

"His name is actually Henry!" she found this much more funny than it actually was.

"Leigh-Anne, I'm going to come pick you up? Do you hear me?"

   "No! Perrie, let me have more fun!" she shouted before ending the call. I sighed before sending her a text:

    You're not thinking clearly. Tell me where you're at so I can pick you up, and please make good choices.

    I realized I sounded like her mother, but I wanted to make sure she was alright. I constantly checked my phone for a response, but I got none. I reminded myself that she's an adult and can take care of herself. I cracked open my book again and kept my phone next to me. I got distracted as I thought about the worst possibilities that could happen, but then quickly reminded myself that people do this everyday. The storm, though, made everything very unnerving.

I went back to my book, but only for a few moments before a loud banging came from my door. The loud banging was constant, and it frightened me. I grabbed the pepper spray from a kitchen drawer and then headed to the front door. I peeled the curtain back and saw the petite frame of a girl. As I opened the door, I noticed how desperate she looked.

She was shivering and drenched with water. Her makeup was smeared, and she was wearing very little clothes. Her eyes were puffy which led me to believe she had been crying.

"I-I'm sorry, but I have no where to go, and I'm very cold. The lights in your house are the only ones on around here, so I assumed you were awake. Can I come in?" Her trembling voice asked.

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