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I watched my father walk into the coffee shop, order, and sit down at a booth. He began drinking his coffee while he put his focus on the window to the outside.

"You know you're in my seat, right?" His head snapped up at the sound of someone's voice. A short, green-eyed blonde girl seemed to be the source of the voice. He looked around to see if she was talking to anyone else. "I'm talking to you," she said as she pointed at my father.

"Sorry, I'll move," he said as he stood.

"You don't have to. I like some company anyway," she smiled. "My name's Brea, and I come into this coffee shop every other day at the exact same time, and I've never had this problem before, but you sir have broken the record," she laughed. "Congratulations."


I watched as a cool breeze blew her hair. She smiled at my father in front of her, and he smiled back. As they walked through the beautiful park, they were silent, but I could see the happiness radiating off of them.

"My daughter loved nature," he said, and I gasped at the mention of me. It didn't happen often, but when he mentioned me, my heart ached as I longed for my father. It took him so long to confess to Brea that he once had a daughter.

   "Do you miss her?" Brea asked him. I awaited the answer with anticipation.

   "Every day." Tears swelled at my eyes upon hearing this. Brea had no idea about my father being a fallen angel; he won't tell her because he's afraid of scaring her forever. He had lied and told her that his daughter, me, had passed away.

   I was happy that he had moved on from my mother, and I was happy he was able to find happiness once again. I held onto the hope that Brea would be my father's light through the darkness. He wouldn't have to fight against it as hard with Brea guiding him along the way.


I could read his thoughts, and it was too tempting not to read them.

"My mother and father both adored the name Brea," Brea explained. "My father liked it because in one culture it means 'beauty beyond sight' and he told me he had never seen such a beautiful sight except when looking at me," Brea smiled. "My mother liked the name because in another culture it means 'noble and strong' and that's what she knew I'd be."

'Both meanings fit perfectly for Brea. If only she knew how much I admired her beauty. She is so captivating, and her strength has never ceased to amaze me' was what my father had been thinking at that moment, but all he had said was, "It's a really pretty name."


My father had considered telling Brea about heaven and the angels in his head on many occasions, but backed out every time. The day he finally mustered up the courage, he took Brea to a hidden forest to show her a sight she would never forget.

"This might seem crazy, but keep an open mind," he said. She reluctantly nodded. He took off his shirt, and Brea started shaking her head. "It's not what you're thinking. Just wait a second." He sprouted out his wings from behind. She gasped and slowly walked backwards.

"Those are fake, right?" she nervously asked.

"No, they're real. I'm a fallen angel," he half-smiled.

"You're insane. Did you expect me to believe you? This is insane. I can't believe this. I've got to go," Brea said before turning and running.

"Brea!" he shouted, "Wait!" She didn't wait, and just kept running, and before he knew it, Brea was gone.


Brea was gone. She wasn't at her usual table at the coffee shop, and she wasn't anywhere he could find. I had watched her move to a different state, and completely abandon her life that she had with my father in it.

He was crushed by this, and it didn't take long for depression to take over once again. He stopped going to his job, and bill after bill was left unpaid.

One day, Bradley, Brea's older brother, had shown up to my father's door.

"I don't know what you did to her, but you're going to pay for it!" Bradley screamed as he attacked my father. My father was about to lose his small house from unpaid bills, so he had nothing to lose. With this mentality, he put all his force into throwing Bradley into the wall. His head hit it hard, and he laid on the ground unconscious.

He felt disgusting, and soon turned himself into the police. He had told them it was self-defense, but Brea testified against him, and he was put into prison.


I closed Jade's notebook, and sighed. I looked to the petite girl in my lap and my heart aches for her. She has gone through so much, too much. I hope she'll make it through this, and I hope to make her the happiest girl in the world when she's back to the Jade I knew.

I looked out the window of the car as thoughts of Jade's father swirled around in my head.

"Are you cold, Perrie?" Leigh asked me.

"No, I'm fine," I said, but my mind was elsewhere.

So I hit 1k votes, and I'd like to thank everyone who votes for my chapters. Thank you, voters, readers, and commenters! :)

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