Twenty Six

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The bittersweet feeling hit me first. I was happy because Jade was okay and well. However, sadness was present because I would be leaving Jade for who knows how long.

Only a few tears ran down my cheeks as Jade walked me over to the car. We shared a hug, and as we pulled away her hands remained around my neck, and I put my hands on her waist.

"I'll miss you," she spoke first and I smiled.

"I'll miss you too," I replied. "Here, take my phone." I took my hand from her waist and grabbed my phone from my back pocket.

"Are you sure?" she looked up at me.

"We have to be able to talk somehow. Ill get myself one when I get back home, and money is not an issue. I'll have to show you this neat thing called Skype. It would really help us," I chuckled. She took the phone out of my hand and placed it in her back pocket.

   "What's Skype?" she asked and I laughed.

   "With all the watching you did up there, you'd think you'd know at least some Earth things," I joked.

   "Who actually pays attention to detail though?" she laughed. I contemplated that statement; I didn't pay attention to detail unless I was paying attention to something I adored. For example, I paid attention to her smile and bright eyes as she laughed, and I knew I wouldn't get to see it for a long time, so I tried to savor as many moments as I possibly could.

   "So I guess this is goodbye?" I asked, looking to the ground.

    "It's only a goodbye for now. I will see you again, Perrie," she looked up at me through saddened eyes. We shared a sweet kiss, and as our lips moved together for the last time in who knows how long, a tear ran down my cheek.

   "I love you," I said as we pulled away. She brought her hands to my face using her thumb to wipe away and falling tears.

   "I love you," she replied and I saw tears falling from her eyes. We shared another quick kiss before I climbed into the passenger seat of the car. Leigh had already been in the driver's side when I got in.

   "Bye, Leigh," Jade smiled at her, and I smiled at her kindness.

   "Bye, Jade," Leigh replied with a little wave. I waved to Jesy, who was standing on by the door of the cabin, and she waved back.

   "Text me from Leigh's phone as soon as you get back." Jade said to me. "And hopefully I'll figure out how to work this thing."

   "Will do," I nodded. Leigh started pulling away from the cabin, and I watched Jade as she began getting smaller and smaller as we drove farther, and soon she was gone. Although, I was fighting back tears, I held them in, sat back, and turned on the radio.

   "Are you okay?" Leigh asked me after a few moments.

    "It is what it is." I shrugged, "I'll learn to deal with it." She nodded, and I continued talking. "It just sucks. Y'know? My life was good before she came. I had you, and I had my studio. She showed up, and everything was a little bit better. She made me really happy. Now, it's going to be weird going back to my normal life, and repeating it everyday."

    "She's not gone, Perrie. When you get back, get that phone, and you'll still be able to contact her, and you can still see each other; it's just a bit of a drive." she chuckled. "Speaking of your studio, how do you think they'll react to our return?" Leigh laughed.

   "Hopefully good. I hope the place isn't a mad house when I get there. I had contacted some of the other employees to make sure everything was okay, but with everything that was going on, it was hard to find time to do so." I said and Leigh nodded. "So, has anyone caught Leigh-Anne's eye lately?" I chuckled.

Leigh laughed loudly, snorting. "Do you think I've actually had anytime to think about that stuff while keeping up with you and your life recently?"

   I laughed. "Well now it shouldn't be so hard for you. I'm going to go back to being your boring best friend who reads books and takes photos and dreams big, and you will no long have to worry about me."

   "As long as no other supernatural creature decides to show up at your door." She laughed. "I hope I get a vampire or a werewolf, maybe a Salvatore brother or a Scott McCall?"

   "Isn't that just everyone's fantasy?" I chuckled.

   "Yeah, and you're living it with Jade," Leigh-Anne said to me, I smiled.

Guys I'm so sorry about the delay and this chapter isn't that great but hopefully I'll be able to get the next couple out soon because this story only will last a few more chapters. I love you all and appreciate all of you. Thank you to any reader/voter/commenter. ❤️ I read every comment and I smile each time :)

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