Twenty Seven

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   Walking home in the dark and rainy streets  didn't bother me as much as it used to. I used to get frustrated while sighing and trying to speed up to get home as soon as possible. However, now I think of the night Jade came to me. The conditions were the same as that night, but I walked on with a skip in my step anyway. It had been a few months since I left Jade with her dad at the cabin. We kept in touch via phone calls, text messaging and Skype, but I looked forward to the day that we got to see each other again face-to-face.

   I walked in my door, and shrugged off my jacket. I sat back on my couch and opened up a book, so I could relax. I began shutting off the world around me as I read about the adventures the fictional characters were going through. I used to think of books as an escape, but now I just think of them as a hobby. After going on quite an adventure and coming out successful in the end, there's not much I want to escape from. I have my beautiful girl, my friends, and my studio. What more could I ask for?

A loud noise startled me out of my trance. I calmed as I realized it was just my computer indicating I was getting an incoming Skype call. I walked over to it and sat down in the desk chair after setting my book down on the on the desk. I smiled upon seeing Jade on the icon. I accepted the call and was greeted by a close up of Jade's face.

"Hello, my beauty," she smiled at me.

I waved, "Hello, my darling," I replied. Her video was of low quality because she had to use the phone I gave her for Skype.

   "It's been how long, and I still can't understand this phone," she laughed. "You can hear me right?"

   "Yeah, Jade, I can hear you," I giggled.

   "Okay good," she paused, "Hey so you know how Jesy and I were going to start the trip up tomorrow?"

     "Yeah, I'm really excited. I bought all this food and I may have gotten you a little present, but you'll have to wait-" I started rambling, but she cut me off.

   "You did all that for me?" She asked quietly. 

   "Of course, I can't wait!" I said excitedly.

    "Perrie, I don't think we'll be able to make the trip tomorrow. It takes a long time to get there, and my dad is old and he's having back problems, and I thought I could bring him with us, but him sitting for that long would be very painful for his back." she mumbled and my heart sank.

"Well, what about Eve? Why can't she take care of him?" I asked sadly.

"She can only do so much. I hope you understand Perrie. He just needs me right now, but I promise I'll be up there as soon as I can." she smiled sadly.

"I would come up there, but I can't leave my studio for as long as I did last time." she nodded understanding.

"Hey, but we can still talk right? We have texting and Skype. It will work for us," she said hopefully.

"I hope so," I whispered.

After a silent pause, Jade spoke up. "So how's Leigh-Anne?" I couldn't see anything happening on Skype as the camera went black. I could hear shuffling as she was moving. I proceeded talking.

"She's good. She misses you and she even misses Jesy. She likes the fact that she knows about some supernatural creature that exists that's like no other." I laughed. "She doesn't stop talking about it sometimes. How's Jesy?"

"Jes is good, right Jes?" I heard Jade say.

   "Yeah, I'm good." I heard Jesy's voice but was unable to see her because the screen was still black.

"Why's the screen-?" I said but was cut off by a loud noise I quickly identified as a knock at my door. "Someone's at my door. I'll be right back."

I walked over to the door wondering who could be knocking at this hour. As I swung open the door I was faced with a brown-eyed, petite girl that I loved dearly. "Jade!" I exclaimed and rushed over to her for a hug.

"Perrie," she happily sighed.

the end
The ending isn't that great but I wanted to end it cause I kinda lost motivation with this story :(
Anyway,, thank you so much if you read until the end :) thank you if you voted. thank you if you commented. I appreciate every read/vote/comment :)

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