4: Home

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"Finally." I whispered under my breath. I had enough of today already.

I gathered all my things and packed my backpack and slung it over my back and walked out of the class. In the process I ran into something hard and plummeted to the floor. My body tingled till my butt hit the floor and the strap on the back pack had busted.

"No!" I whisper yelled grabbing it. In anger I looked up at the person. It was him. I got up, shoved my stuff back in the bag and held it in the crook of my arm.

"Do you ever look where you're going?" I spit out faster than I could stop myself. His face was changing emotions faster then I've seen anyone. First he looked pissed to the point of punching something then he looked like he wanted to hug me then frustrated. He finally, let out air and spoke up.

"Me? You're the one following me around like a lost puppy. Plus you're new here I don't think you understand to not talk to me that way!" He replied almost trying to have authority over me or something.

Who did this guys think he was? How important can one teen be. The one thing I hated most was egotistical teen boys who think they ran the school and that everyone had to bow at their feet.

"And who are you?" I said cocking an eyebrow.

His face went cold. "I'm Luka-"

"Great now that I know your name, Luka, I suggest you not tell me what to do, and not expect me to think you're of importance over anyone else in this school. I know guys like you, the kind that are popular and have the whole school and school officials up your ass. Don't think I forgot about all the girls here." I interrupted him looking at the three blond bimbos behind him. "All these girls must be either desperate for male attention or just too easy." I finished and turned on my heel.

To be completely honest I've never done that before and I was scared that he would interrupt me and say something that would make me run away crying because that had almost happened.

When I got out to the front of the school were no cars except one. I pulled out my phone and dialed my dads number.


"Dad? who was picking me up today?" I asked intently into the phone.

"Oh shoot! Hun I'm so sorry, I forgot....I...uhh..I can't leave right now so you have to call your moth- wait no she's at work. I'm so sorry Charlie, do you know your way home?"

"No." I sighed into the phone, but spoke up again before he said he would leave work."But I can find my way home, it will give me a chance to get more familiar with this town anyway...don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" He said worriedly.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Ok is your phone fully charged?" I looked at my phone and it was at 87% so it was basically fully charged.

"Yeah, ok I'm gonna hang up now you have to go back to your work. Love you dad."

"Yeah ok honey, love you too." and with that I shoved my phone in my back pocket and placed the backpack in the floor.

I had thought that the strap busted, but all it did was come undone. I put the strap back into the buckle and tied it so it wouldn't come out again and I pulled in it to make sure it wouldn't fall while I was walking home. I stood up happy with my "fix it" skills and I slung the back over my back and jogged down the school stairs.

I walked along the sidewalk till I reached the complete end of it. I had forgotten that there was nothing but forest areas till I reached the downtown area. That's what was weird why was the school basically in a forest clearing. I mean it was beautiful but what if someone was trying to kidnap you...there would be no one around to help you. I put in my earbuds and I hesitated to step on the dirt as if it would kill me. After a while of just standing there trying to decide on a just right song I finally started walking.

After a while I decided to look back and see how far the school was because I just felt like going back and waiting till one of my parents was out of work. I looked back and the school was no where in sight, I looked in front of me and nothing was insight either. It was just me and the open road and forest. I continued to walk but I picked up the pace, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

I could feel as if someone was watching me which, of course, scared the shit out of me. I decided to look back. A truck was following me, and not just any truck it was the one parked in the front of the school.  I turned back around and walked at an even faster pace if possible. I guess I wasn't walking fast enough cause then I could see the truck in my peripheral vision.

I heard a faint honking through my head phones, but I just continued to walk. Then the feeling to look was eating at me because if this person wanted to kidnap me he or she would have already gotten out of the truck and grabbed me. So I looked to my left and the person was the same person I kept running into today. I could see his mouth moving saying something, and his hand was still hitting the horn.

Finally I stopped walking and yanked out my earbuds.

"Why are you following me!" I yelled. He stopped the truck, turned it off, and jumped out of the drivers seat.

"Well I had been trying to tell you if you wanted a ride!" He yelled back.

"Wait hold up, If someone is not paying attention to you or better yet trying to basically run from your truck, they most likely don't want a ride." I said crossing my arms.

"Well, do you want a ride?" He asked calmly.

"No." I said taking my earbuds out again and I put them in and started to walk.

Then he ended up in front of me.

"No, get in the truck."

"What!?" I shirked pulling out my earbuds again. "I said no! I'm sorry I don't really like you, Christ I don't even know you. You don't know me! Why do you have the need to have me like you? I'm pretty sure your blond bimbos would love for you to show them attention right now, now if you would excuse me I'm trying to go home." I said as if I actually knew how to get home I just wanted to prove a point.

"No get in the truck." He said blocking my ways around him. "And if you don't get in the truck I'm going to make you."

"Who the He-"

"Charlotte!" He growled. Wait! Did he just growl. He looked around defensively and hoisted me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing! Let. Me. Go! NOW!" I said beating his back with every word.

"Fine." He said and tossed me in the front seat.

I just love werewolf books so much, this is my first one so I'm sorry if it's not so good as any other ones.

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