9: Not My Boyfriend

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Chemistry just ended and it was an gruesome hour and a half of Grayson apologizing, and asking if I was ok every 10 minutes.

"Hey, Charlie are you sure it's ok?" Grayson asked for like the billionth time.

"Gray!" I said holding my hands out as if stopping him in front of me. "It's ok, really. Anyway it's not like I can do anything about it right now. It's done with, I'm fine. It'll probably last at the most 2 weeks like this. I'll be fine, and I forgive you." I chuckled at the last part.

"Ok, uh you want too go to my table again today? Everyone really liked you."

"No, I'll see you guys later though...I'm gong to go to the library to check out what books they have." I said and walked towards the school library. Before I turned the corner I checked to see if Grayson really did leave.

Right when I turned to face forward I was met with the eyes of Luka Pierce.

"Come here." He said sternly and grabbed my upper arm and dragged me into the closest classroom locking it behind him.

"Let go!" I yelped yanking my arm out of his grip. "What's wrong with you? You don't just go yanking girls places with force!"

"You're not just any gir-"

"What do you want Luka?" I spoke up cutting him off.

"Who did this?" He said rushing to my face and embracing my cheek. I stepped out of his hand, and took off my hood to show him the full extent of the bruise. He physically winced at the sight of my eye, then his eyes went cold.

"Was it that guy all over you this morning?" He said looking into my eyes. I instantly felt the need to say 'no' defensively, but it was none of his business and I didn't know who he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you this morning with a guy, he-he was touching your cheek. You let him." He inched closer to me to where he was no towering over me.

"Look Luka don't- wait you mean Wesley?" He, for lack of a better description, growled at the mention of my brothers name. "Wesley's my brother Luka, and no he didn't do this to me."


"Then who did?" He grabbed my hips and diminished the space between us, the bell to go back to class not fazing him.

"Luka stop!" I argued pushing him away. "Why are so nosey? All in my business that doesn't concern you? We are nothing, you are not my boyfriend...and plus you have all these other girls up your ass. Leave me alone." I said trying to go around him.

"You're MINE!" He shouted at me causing me to stop in my tracks. "Mine." He snaked his hand around my waist turning me around.

"Luka." My voice shook.

"Charlotte, you don't have to be afraid of me, I love you." His lips then met mine. I didn't even try to fight the feeling because it felt so right.

He hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat me on a desk, and soon his lips traveled to my neck. I could feel him growling, but it aroused me more than terrified me.

"You trust me right?" Luka whispered. "You know I love you."

"How can you love me...Luka." I gasped at the adrenaline running through my veins.

"Let me show you just how much. Will you let me?" He asked disconnecting his lips from my neck and looked me in the eyes. In that moment I didn't see the egotistical Luka, or the player Luka. I saw Luka, the person deep down inside.

"Yes." I distinctively answered. I didn't think I just said what I felt right then and there.

Then Luka covered my mouth.

"Sorry if this hurts princess." He said before something went through my neck. The only thing out of my mouth was a muffled yelp of pain then pleasure. Luka then licked it and it shot sparks all over my body causing me to moan again and grab onto Lukas shirt pressing out bodies together.

I then realize what happened.

"What the fuck was that!?" I rose my voice shove him away.

"I marked you." He smiled totally unaware of my anger.

"W-what, you...I...is it the werewolf thing?" I asked scared of the answer.

"Yes, but it way more complicated than it should be. I can't explain right now, but-"

"Well when can you?" I asked cutting him off.

"Right now would be the best if you came with me, but I don't think little miss perfect would ditch school with Luka Pierce." He laughed.

"Let's go then, and never refer to yourself in the third person again." I grimaced at him and walked out of the classroom to an empty hall due to everyone being in their 3rd period class.

"Charlotte!" I heard behind me, and I turned around to see Duke jogging my way.

"Hey." I smiled tugging my hood down a bit to shadow my black eye.

"What are-" He paused looking at Luka exiting the classroom after me. "What you doing with Luka?" He asked now clenching his jaw.

"She was just leaving with me." Luka spoke coming beside me and moving my hood away from my neck and draped an arm over my shoulder. I saw Duke physically tense.

"You know you can't do that Luka." Dukes voice seemed to have boomed the halls.

"Doesn't mean I won't." Was all Luka said before he lead us out to the parking lot and to his truck.

"What was that about?"

"That's what we'll talk about princess."

"And don't call me that." I said before getting into the passenger side of his truck and we started driving to god knows where.

A part of me was scared, but most of me trusted Luka.

yay Charlie and Luka action. sorry I don't update often for this book, school takes a lot out of me, and keeping up with my house and keeping it clean and feeding my family. A 16 year old can only do so much lol

xoxo mikeytoohood

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