21: A Change of Heart

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"No! Charlie. Don't do that!" Duke shouted grabbing onto my arm.

"Whoa, hey!" I whipped around, and gave him the meaning look I could.

"Don't go to him. Please?" He pleaded.

"Why shouldn't I!?" I replied a bit offended.

"Because, well, because I love you Charlotte Pierce." Duke said getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring.

"Dude! No, ok, um...Duke stop, stand up. Please?" I stammered. What the hell was this boy thinking?

"Well, this escalated quickly..." Grayson trailed off.

"Shut it!" Duke yelled towards his brother.

"Hey!" I yelled at him, and getting his attention. "Don't yell at Gray like that. What? Just because I don't love you back doesn't mean you have to yell at everyone. God, Duke did you really think we would be together? I mean come on, the moon goddess wasn't even rooting for you." I spat, defending Luka.

"What so you love that good for nothing Luka that killed your brother?" Duke said squinting his eyes at me.

"Yes!" I yelled catching myself off guard. "Y-yes I do." I sighed out. "I actually do."

"Charlie! Open your eyes and don't be an idiot! He killed your brother!" He said pointing a finger in my face.

"Well, he's an Alpha. He is my mate. As given to me by the Moon Goddess he is my soulmate, and I will cherish him." I replied straight faced. Duke didn't reply, and I turned and headed for the front door. Before I opened it I turned and faced Duke one last time.

"My name is Charlotte, by the way you can call me that from now on." I growled, and proceeded to leave the house.

I walked outside, and was winded by what had just happened. Why did that happen? Why did Duke think it was a great idea to propose to me? I shook the thoughts away, and ran to my dads car. I sat in the driver seat, and tired to mind link Luka.

"Hey, um I don't know if you'll get this, Luka I'm coming for you. I love you and I don't want to deny my love anymore." I said.

"Let me die, Charlie, please" He answered me weakly.

I didn't reply after that. I just gunned it to his house. When I arrived at the pack house I let my car role to a stop, and I quickly jumped out.

"Luka!" I yelled when I got in front of the steps to the front door. I yelled his name again before I started pounding on the front door.

"Hey, whoa! Lady shut the fuck up! What are you doing who are you?" This guy looked about Lukas age, and pretty tall.

"Where's Luka?" I said panting.

"Look, hun, Im sorry but if you two slept together recently, and he told you he would call you then left. He wasn't gonna call, and he probably isn't interested if he didn't. Leave him alone, it isn't a good time right now."

"What's your name?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Travis" He smiled and threw a wink.

"Well, Travis, I happen to know Luka isn't feeling good because I can feel it." I said putting my hand over my heart. "I can feel it because he's my mate." Travis' cocky grin turned into a knowing frown. He stepped aside, and opened the door. He bowed his head and folded his hand over.

"Future Luna." He said respectfully.

After a while of enjoying being "praised" I tapped Travis on the shoulder, and told him to take me to Luka.

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