11: Lukas' POV

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I saw the fear I her eyes and it sparked something violent in my wolf.

"Let her go!" I yelled struggling against Travis. He out of everyone shouldn't have done this especially to me. After she was taken from my sight and a car drove off Travis let go of me and shifted. I followed soon after. I snarled at him, Brody now taking full control, and I lunged at him. I was stopped by what seemed like a brick wall.

"ENOUGH!" I landed to the ground shifted back into my human form. Before I could see who stopped me some shorts were thrown in my face blocking my view. I stood up and put them on and faced the person. The person ended up being the one and only Ryan Pierce. My father.

"Dad! They to-took my mate!" I spoke stuttering due to my rage.

"As I ordered." My father never really expressed emotion, especially for "weakling" humans. So when he gave me that answer his face was colder than ice. I clenched my fists at my sides so I wouldn't stalk towards him. He was my father for one and also he alpha of the pack. He made the rules, or should I say kept up tradition.

"Why!?" I screamed at him. "Why does it have to be this way?! I need her! I need my mate."

"You forget Luka, before this little foul thing.." I flinched at his reference to her. "Came into your life as your "mate" you hated them as much as anyone."

"The moon goddess does not make mistakes father." I replied clenching my teeth.

"Well looks like your mate was her first one. Now everyone get back to pack territory! I shall see you home in a couple hours." He said turning to me at the last part.


"Hi, Ella are Grayson or Duke home?"

"Yes, which one do you prefer?" Grayson and Dukes sister asked me sucking on a lollipop. Usually that would turn me on, but not now.

"Not Duke." I half heartedly smiled.

"GRAYSON!" She yelled up towards the stairs. "He should be down in a minute. Nice seeing you Luka."

"Hey what's up Luka?" Grayson said jogging down the stairs replacing his sister at the door.

"There's a bit of a problem." I said scratching at the back of my neck.

"Where's Charlie?" He asked getting anxious.

"That's kinda the problem." I choked out. "My pack took her."

"They WHAT!" Duke yelled now stomping down the stairs.

"Jesus..chr-ok look I-"

"See I knew I shouldn't have let her leave with you! I knew you weren't going to protect her! What kind of mate are you to let your pack-who hate human mates-take her?! I bet you didn't even try to protect her against them. You just let them hall her away crying and you could fucking care less-"

"STOP!" Ella yelled coming to the door seeing how close I had gotten to Duke neither of us backing down.

"You don't fucking understand! I tried, I tired so hard! I'm not here to get lectured over the protection over my mate. I came here to ask you guys to help me get her back, she trusted you guys. If you don't want to, you don't have to." I said a bit calmer and started walking off the porch.

"Wait! I'm coming asshole." Duke said coming down the porch stairs lugging on a leather jacket.

sorry it's been a long ass time since I updated but this is just a little of something for you all 💗
school sucks k bye (:

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