Singing, Grass, and a Second Chance

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Here is my new story! I hope everyone enjoys it!

I heard a beeping sound, and turned over in my bed. My alarm read 5:45. I hit the top of the clock, and sat up. My two sisters that I shared a room with were still sleeping. The floorboards made creaking sounds as I padded to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet in the tub. It was cold. Figures. It had been a while since we had hot water. I quickly washed my hair, then dried myself and went back to my room. I checked my dresser. Most of the drawers were empty. I really needed to do laundry soon. 

I pulled out a worn pair of jeans and an old t-shirt that I was pretty sure had been my mom's. I put on the clothes and pulled my hair into a braid. It was about time for me to catch the bus. I into the kitchen. No food. I sighed. I had so much to do. But it wasn't like I could just go out and do them. My family was very tight on money. We lived in a small trailer in a run down trailer park, where bad things happened almost daily. I was the oldest in my family. I had two younger sisters and three younger brothers. My father was a drunk, and my mother worked so much to support us that she was always irritable. Life wasn't easy.

The bus came, and I sat in the front seat. I hated the bus. All the other kids from the trailer park had the same issue that I did, only some didn't handle it as well. We had a lot of violence in the park. We stopped on a corner. I shrunk down in my seat. This was the worst part of my morning. Dalton Mallet got on the bus. "Hey, Penis," he said. My name wasn't Penis. It's Venice, like the city in Italy. But Dalton was really stupid, and he thought it was said so that it rhymed with a male body part, so he just started calling me that. Dalton pushed me with his bag as he walked by. 

The bus got to the school. I met up with my best friend, and really only friend, Alice. We walked past a couple students hurriedly making a drug deal. I just frowned at them.  "Did you do the geometry homework?" My eyes widened. "No..." I said. I sighed. This was the third time this week I had forgotten homework. I was just so busy at work. 

I mowed lawns in my free time. In the nice neighborhood across town, people paid fairly good money to get their lawn mowed. My family wouldn't have enough money to survive if I didn't do those jobs. But teachers didn't accept this as an excuse. I trudged into school, said goodbye to Alice, and went to my locker. I opened my locker, and a note fell out. It read:

Penis, we all know you're sleeping with your friend Alice. Fucking lesbo. Just kill yourself. Nobody wants to look at your ugly ass face anyways. 

I sighed and crumpled up the note. Over the years, I had gotten really good at ignoring insults. My locker neighbor, Danika, giggled as she saw me. Her friend, Rochelle, came up behind her. "Like our note, bitch?" she asked. "Fuck off, Rochelle," I replied, and went to my first period class. It was like this pretty much everyday. Being a junior in high school isn't easy. At all. 

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