Chapter 3

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We were running to class, hoping that we wouldn't be to late I turned the corner to go to my locker so I could get my books. When I went around the corner I ran smack into a girl. I had never seen her before in my life at this school, she was sooo cute though.   Her books fell on the floor,so I bent down to help her pick them up.

"I'm so sorry, what class are headed to?" I asked.

"Ummm... Science, how about you?" she asked.

"Science too." I said.

"Umm I don't think we've met?" I said, "I'm Gus."

"I'm Paisley." said Paisley

"That's the prettiest name I've ever heard." I said.

"Thanks," said Paisley.

We stood up and started to walk towards my locker, the opposite way of Science.

"Are you new, here?" I asked.

"Actually, yes," said Paisley, "I literally just walked in and they told me to go to the science room."

"Well, since we're both going there, I could walk you," I said.

"That's fine." Paisley said.

We walked down the hall to my locker and talked all the way there.  After I got my books we went to science.  We walked in knowing we would late, but it was better than not going at all.

I opened the door to hear, Mrs.Martin talking about a project.

"Well nice of you to join us Mr.Harmon," said Mrs.Martin, "Who's your friend I don't   believe I've seen her before?"

"I'm Paisley Mead, I'm new." said Paisley.

"Well, since we've already assigned partners, and you two don't  have a partner I guess you two could be partners?" she asked.

"That's fine." I said.

I know I might have been playing it cool on the outside, but really on the inside I was doing my happy dance. I couldn't believe it she was super hot and now my lab partner.

''There is an  empty space in front, here," said Mrs.Martin.

We walked over and took our seats, as the teacher continued.

She told us that we would get to do a project of  our choice, and we had two whole weeks to do it.

Paisley and I decide to do a volcano. We had decided that after school she and I would go to my house to work on it.

The rest day flew by really fast, probably because I couldn't wait to go home and work with Paisley.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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