You'll never know untill you try

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This one isn't dirty, but sweet hope you like it anyways :D



James lifted his hand and gently wiped the tears falling from the other boys eyes.

"Logie, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice full of concern.

"H-He dumped me." Logan whispered quietly through the tears falling from his eyes.

"Oh Logie... It's alright." James said softly, bringing his arms to wrap around Logan's shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug.

"It won't be... Ever." Logan sighed sadly and he leaned gratefully into the hug. Tears continued to roll down his face, eventually splashing onto James' shirt.

"Hey, listen to me Logan. I know it seems like the end of the world right now but things will get better. I promise." James said comfortingly.

"How would you know? How would you know what it's like to have your heart ripped from your chest and shredded into a million pieces? Go on James answer me? You've never been dumped in your life!" Logan whispered angrily.

"Logie... I have..." James sighed sadly.

"James? W-What happened?"

"It was a couple of years ago. The most amazing guy I've ever met, we dated for almost three years when he broke up with me, saying there was someone else... And had been for two years. There's not a day that goes by when I don't think of him." A single tear ran down his face.

"I-I'm sorry James."

"It's not your fault Logan. But I do understand. The pain will eventually ease off and you'll be fine." James gave Logan's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I think it's time to go to bed though, call him in the morning." James said, leading Logan by his hand to the spare room.

Inside their rooms both boys lay there, unable to sleep. Instead tears fell down each of their faces, tears for the love they lost.

The next morning Logan awoke early , the ache in his heart still present and stronger than the day before. Although it had been less than a day, Logan missed his boyfriend more than ever. Barely thinking, he reached for his phone and dialled the number.

"Hello?" A tired voice spoke on the other end. Logan couldn't bring himself to answer.

"Hello? Logan? Are you there?"

"Y-Yeah..." Logan said, barely above a whisper.

"Look Logan, I want to apologise. It was a complete mistake, I should never have done it."

"D-Done what?" Logan asked curiously.

"I should never have dumped you Logie, I'm so sorry, will you take me back? I'll do anything."

"Kendall, I was hoping you would say that! Of course I will, but theres one thing I need to know first."

"Of course, anything."

"Why? Why did you do it in the first place?"

"I panicked."

"You panicked?"

"Yeah. Everythings been moving so fast, it's too quick and I don't think I can handle it."

"Ken... You should have said. If you had explain what you felt, it wouldn't have had to come to this. But yes, of course I'll take you back, I can't live without you Kendall, your my everything. I love you!"

"I love you too Logie, I'm really sorry. Where are you?"

"I stayed at James' house."

"You still there?"


"I'll be over in 20 minutes and you can come home, alright babe?"

"I can't wait."

Logan hung up the phone, placed it back on the side and walked into the kitchen with the biggest smile on his face.

"What do you look so happy about?"

Logan spun around from where he was trying to find breakfast. In front of his sat a red eyed James.

"Kendall said he made a mistake, we're back together again!" Logan said excitedly.

"Congatulations Logie." James said.

"Hey, I never asked last night, what was the name of the guy?"


"WOW! You love Carlos? As in our Carlos?"

"Yes. Our Carlos."

"James, I know he cheated on you and everything but you clearly love him, I think you should ring him. It worked for me."

"Yeah but Kendall still loves you. Carlos doesn't like me that way anymore."

"You don't know until you try." Logan replied picking up James' phone, dialling Carlos and passed it back to James.

"Hey James! What's up?" Carlos asked cheerfully.

"Look Carlos we need to talk..."

"What's up mate?"

"We need to talk about three years ago."


"I just want to know, why?"



"Well I don't really know. I think it was just I wasn't ready for a relationship, it was too serious too fast and I made stupid mistakes. Honestly, I regret everything, I especially regret hurting you because James... I never stopped loving you."

"Carlos, I love you too man. There's never a day where I don't think about you."

"So what now?"

"We could always try dating again?"

"Only if you want to, I hurt you James, I don't blame you if you can't forgive me."

"I'll pick you up at 7?"

"See you soon babe!"

James hung up the phone, a huge grin on his face. Logan was right, you never know until you try...


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