Hat game; Part 1

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Authors note:

Ok guys this is a really long story it's dirty and all!!

Kendall, Logan, Carlos, James, Jo, Lucy and Camille!

Hope you like it please vote and comment will update soon!


"Ok boys Katie and I are leaving." Mrs. Knight walked up to the door then placed her suit case on the ground before turning to Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan who were standing in a line in front of her. "Remember the rules?" They all nodded but Mrs. Knight still didn't look convinced. Kendall rolled his eyes before speaking.

"Don't have any parties, don't break anything, don't bother Bitters, and don't set anything on fire." James, Kendall, and Logan all looked at Carlos who smiled sheepishly. He was the reason for that last one. Mrs. Knight smiled then stepped towards the boys to give them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright Katie and I will be back Monday afternoon so be good. Katie let's go!" While Mrs. Knight picked up her bag Katie came running into the rooming caring a small suit case. The four boys said their final goodbyes to Kendall's family as they walked out the door. Kendall shut the door behind them and turned to the others with a smirk on his face. James and Carlos looked at each other with smiles while Logan looked a little unsure.

"Well we have the apartment to ourselves boys."

"Until mama Knight comes back." Kendall rolled his eyes at Logan.

"She won't be back until Monday."

"But what if she comes back early? She won't like..."

"Calm down it's only a sleep over?" Kendall turned to Carlos. "You call the girls and invite them over. James, why don't you find some games we can play?" Both James and Carlos nodded before running off. Kendall then wrapped his arm around Logan and gave him a large smile. "You and I are going to get snacks, drinks and other goodies." Logan let out a sigh and nodded. Kendall was right. He shouldn't be so worried it wasn't like anything was going to happen.

"Alright let's go."

The four boys arrived back to apartment 2J around the same time. Carlos invited Camille, Jo, and Lucy and James managed to find something called the hats game but he refused to tell anyone how to play it. The mischief on his face though told Logan enough and he was starting to feel uneasy again. Logan and Kendall had been successful as well. They drove to the nearest convenient store and walked out with bags and bags of chips, soda, and candy. Kendall wanted to use his fake ID to buy some alcohol but even Logan had his limits and that was not happening.

The girls were going to arrive in a few hours and they were going to be staying the entire weekend; from Friday night to Sunday. Logan thought Kendall might be a little apprehensive about Jo coming because they broke up a few weeks ago but he seemed completely fine with it. In fact according to Kendall the break up was mutual and they decided to remain friends. Considering how long they had gone out Logan thought their break up would have been a little worse. He thought Kendall would have been really upset about it but he wasn't. It was comparable to his break up with Camille but he knew that was easy because they hadn't dated all that long. Logan had gone out with Camille for a week before that whole issue with James came up. And his friendship with James was way more important than a week long relationship.

A little past eight o'clock there was a knock on the door. Carlos was the first one up to answer it while the others remained sitting on the floor in the living. They had pushed the couches and the table out of the way so there was plenty of room. All the snacks and drinks were on the table a few feet away and there was also a stack of movies the boys thought they might want to watch at some point.

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