I opened my eyes to see a bright light. As I came to, I started to notice a slight hum of people talking. Looking down I realized I was in a bed.
The memories came rushing back. I then took note that I was in a hospital, possibly with a head injury. I noticed just a slight throb of pain on my forehead. Gingerly, I put a hand to my forehead and felt bandages.
"Oh good you're up!" A middle aged woman holding a brown clipboard that had dark hair and green eyes as well as a slicked back ponytail with a small accent braid said in a sweet voice. "I'm Norabia (pronounced Nor-ay-bee-ah). Do you remember your name?"
Since I was never really talkative especially with strangers, I quietly said, "S-Sally Hanson".
"Good!" She replied encouragingly. "Now, do you mind if I ask a few questions?"
Shyly I shook my head from side to side.
"Ok. Do you remember where you live?" Norabia asked with a bright smile. I could see her perfectly straight bright white teeth.
"782 Grasswood Crescent." I replied.
She continued, "Great! What is your mom and dad's names?"
"Jackson and Aleesha Hanson."
Norabia flashed me another smile and said, "Okay, now what colour are your eyes?"
I replied "Blue, like my moms." I said with a small smile. This nurse seemed quite friendly.
She glanced down at her clipboard and took some notes. She looked up and then looked back down with a confused look on her face I got slightly worried. Slowly, she asked, "Do you know if you're wearing coloured contacts?"
"What do you mean? I've never worn contacts in my life." I replied confused.
"Don't worry I think I must be getting tired. I'll be right back." With that she swiftly turned and walked out of the hospital room door.
I was left wondering why she asked if I was wearing contacts when I glanced at my reflection in a blank television screen. Were my eyes orange?!? They couldn't be! 'It must be a trick of the light.' I thought to myself. Doubting myself I watched shocked as my irises turned to a bold yellow-ish colour.
This couldn't be! Irises don't change colour like that!
Since I had been staring blankly at myself, I didn't even realize that my parents had walked into the room.
"Hon, are you feeling okay?" My tall dark haired dad replied.
Startled I said, "Y-ya I'm fine. Just kind of confused."
My dad smiled, "Good news. The nurse said said you don't have a concussion."
"Oh honey, you poor thing!" My mom walked over to my bed and sat down. She reassuringly gave my hand a quick squeeze. "Now do you remember what the heck happened?" I could tell she was trying not to sound desperate.
"I don't remember much. I remember running to my usual spot on the beach and going swimming in the water. (I didn't tell them about my cave). I must've hit my head on something in between because I had the strangest dream that I had a..." I trailed off.
"It's okay. You can continue." My dad walked over and placed a hand on my mom's shoulder.
"Well," I continued feeling a little confused recalling exactly what happened. "I had a dream that I had a fish tail. Then I saw a blinding light. Next thing I know, I'm lying on the beach 30 minutes away from where I started."
"Dear, that's quite a dream you had." My mom looked at me worried.
"Honey," my dad said in a stern-ish voice, "remember that talk we had? We agreed you would ask us before you get any contacts, piercings or you dye your hair?"
"How could I forget?" I replied just then remembering about the way my eyes changed colour. I became worried.
My mom and dad looked worriedly at my eyes. To see what they were looking at I turned back to the blank TV screen. Sure enough, my eyes had gone back to an orange colour. I was thinking 'What is happening to me?!? I'm pretty sure this is not normal!'
Just as my dad was going to say something else, thankfully, Norabia walked back into the room at that moment. "Well, you are free to go. You can just get dressed and then we'll wheelchair you down to the parking lot.
Glad to be distracted, I got up and got my parents to leave the area so I could have some privacy. I closed the curtain and found a pair of clothes my parents must've brought sitting on a chair by the hospital bed. I got dressed and walked out of the curtained area.
Norabia smiled and gestured to the wheelchair she had in front of her. I sat down. On the way to the parking lot, I was kind of in a daze, lost in my own thoughts. I was thinking stuff like, 'What happened? How did my eyes change colour like that? What was up with that weird dream I had?'
Sooner then I realized, we werein the parking lot and I was being ushered into our car.
The car was silent except for the hum of the moving vehicle and the slight hum of the radio playing. I knew that the ride home was going to be a long one since we live 45 minutes away just without traffic. Judging by how slow we were going, we probably wouldn't be home for at least an hour. I got somewhat comfortable and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The Impossible is Possible
Novela JuvenilSally Hanson has always been the kind of girl who is quite shy and not very talkative. She is tall with wavy brown hair that goes just past her shoulders. She has a pretty face with unnaturally blue eyes. Or are her eyes green? Or purple? Or red? It...