7. Tension

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Destery's POV:

The rest of the week wasn't at all exciting. I went to each class, slugged through all of them, listened to boring lectures, and went home and did my homework for the next day.

Every day, though, for some reason I looked forward to second hour, and eighth hour. I found out I had Gym with Maddox, too. I have to tell you that he looks great shirtless, I honestly can't deny that.

I didn't know much about him, but I do have to tell you that he is hilarious.

My first impression of him was that he was a player, but ever since he texted me about coming on Saturday, he hasn't been flirting with anyone. Well, except me, that is. Or at least I think he's flirting with me? I'm not quite sure, though. He's confusing.

Of course Tammy got pissed at me for not calling her the other day. She also found out about me texting Maddox, which in turn got her more pissed. I can tell she really doesn't like him, and I mean really. Every time he's around, she glares. I've been meaning to ask her about it, but she kind of ignores me when I ask. I guess I deserve it, I've been doing the same.

I've been avoiding the subject about Tammy liking me. Every time she tries to talk about it, I change the subject. What is there to say, really? I'm just... Not into my best friend.

I know she's gonna bring it up this weekend, though. She's just been letting it slide cause we only have a few minutes in between classes, and she doesn't wanna talk about it in front of anyone else. I guess she doesn't want anyone to know about it. But sooner or later it's going to have to be dealt with. I can't avoid it forever.

I mean, she's a great girl and all, but I've just known her for so long. I think of her as a second sister, not someone I'd date.

After fifth hour, I had already slumped through four tests. Typical Fridays.

Sixth hour was a relief, I had lunch with Tammy and a few of my other friends.

I was going to meet her at my locker like we always did, and I was just emptying out my backpack so I didn't have to haul all of it around. I had way too many books, the perks of being in almost all AP classes.

A figure appeared beside me, leaning up against the lockers. At first, I thought it was Tammy. But when I turned to look, I found myself facing Maddox. His face was inches from mine.

I felt my face get hot, and I backed away slightly. "Hi." I said, finishing taking my stuff out and then closing my locker.

"So, you have this hour off?" He pushes himself off of the lockers and looks down at me, his hands in his pockets.

I nod.

I hadn't realized how tall he was till now. He wasn't giant next to me, but he definitely had about half a foot on me.  I had to look up to be able to meet his eyes, his brilliant hazel eyes. He was tall and lean, and his brown hair was styled up, but some of it still fell across his forehead. It was shorter around the sides, and longer across the top.

He's about to reply when Tammy shows up right beside him, rolling her eyes. Maddox looks down at her and scoffs. There's definitely something I don't know about going on between them.

"Hey, Des. What are you doing talking to this asshole?" She states matter of factly. She doesn't even turn to look up at him, just looks right at me.

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